Get Your Ex Back: Super System
The best, easiest, fastest and most effective way to get your ex back.
- Video.
- 10 hours.
- Instant download and/or watch online in your Modern Man account.
- Opens and plays on phones, tablets and desktop computers.
- Lifetime access to redownload and watch online at any time.
Ultimate Make Up Sex
How to give her the type of sex that will completely change her mind about the breakup and make her feel attracted to you in new and exciting ways. 2 hours, 47 mins. $297 value.
Texting and Calling Your Ex
All text, phone call and social media message examples from Get Your Ex Back Super System, plus bonus examples and advanced tips for difficult situations. 77-page ebook. $137 value.
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Get Your Ex Back Super System:
- Guides you through my tested, proven to work, step-by-step process for getting an ex back into a loving, sexual relationship with you.
- Gives her reasons to forgive you and want to start over.
- Makes it become her idea to get back together.
- Brings out the best in you and makes her feel more attracted to you than she ever felt before.
- Ensures that you keep the relationship together once you are back together.
Bonus 1: Ultimate Make Up Sex
2 hours, 47 mins of video
$297 FREE
- Teaches you the easiest ways to make her orgasm.
- Explains how to give her the type of sex that will completely change her mind about the breakup.
- Gives you life-changing insights on how to touch women during sex.
- Shows you how to tap into a part of her that she has likely hidden from you. Once you access this part of her, she will love you more deeply and want sex with you more than she ever did before.
- Includes my personal favorite techniques and moves in the bedroom that have left some of my girlfriends crying in absolute joy.
Bonus 2: Texting and Calling Your Ex
77-page PDF ebook
$137 FREE
- A quick reference guide that ensures you have all the social media, phone and text messages examples from the Get Your Ex Back Super System ready and available to you when communicating with your ex.
- Provides additional tips and reminders surrounding each example, so you can quickly scan it while communicating with her or prior to communicating with her.
- Explains how to get her eagerly wanting to meet up with you, even if she starts out being challenging or uninterested on the phone.
- Provides examples of what to say to make her happy to be talking to you on the phone.
- Reminds you of key points from the Get Your Ex Back Super System by providing an important "DO's and DON'Ts" list regarding communication via social media, phone, text and email.
- Includes bonus examples of communicating with her via Facebook, phone, text and email.
- Includes advanced tips for difficult ex back situations.
Get Your Ex Back Super System is a tested, proven to work, 7-step process for getting a woman back as quickly as possible.
As long as you follow each of the steps from the program (in order), she will agree to speak to you on the phone and meet up with you in person.
At the meetup, you will then use the advanced attraction techniques from the program to make her feel a renewed sense of respect and attraction for you.
When that happens, her guard will come down and she will begin to see you in a different light.
You simply then need to say what is advised in the program and she will agree to give the relationship another chance, or at least sleep with you one last time to see how she feels.
"I got her back within a few days after watching your program because it pumped me up with confidence and I just knew I could re attract her and get the job done. And I did!
I just wish I had found your site earlier because I wasted so much time trying other methods before I stumbled across your system.
My girlfriend means the world to me, so to have her back is priceless. Thank you for your help!!! Michael”
“Hi Dan
Me and my wife are now back together and so happy.
I’ll be honest with you I thought after I went through your programmes that they would be of no use to me I couldn’t have been more wrong. It got me in the right mindset and helped me through the toughest part of the break up and showed me how to be a man that my wife would want.
In all fairness it just felt natural to be this way so many many thanks to you and the team at modern man because without you it would have been impossible for me to get my wife back in my arms so if any of you guys are in Liverpool England any time don’t hesitate to contact me because I would like to take you guys out for a drink.
Thank you. You don’t realise how much you have helped me I am eternally grateful thanks again from the happiest man in Liverpool Matty”
“Hi Dan I got my ex back! Your system worked for me and it was easier than I thought it would be.
I was lead to believe by friends that once a girl broke up with you that that was it but now that I’ve done it I can see what you see about attraction and relationships and love.
Me and my girlfriend are now planning on moving in together and things are really good, so my thanks to you for the brilliant program and advice. Gary”
“Ex Back Super System. Words can not express my absolutely gratitude to you and your program. I messed up bad. Lost the woman of my dreams because of hard drugs, and emotional abuse. I had zero hope in getting her back. Literally none.
With my last bit of money I tried a last ditch effort and purchased your system. My ex wanted nothing to do with me… even when I got sober she was done. After using your system to a T, actually writing out the steps and lessons, and actually committing to the program. I got her back. I won’t let her see but I am in tears as I write this.
I actually have my ex back man.
Thank you so much.
I have learned a lot and am still learning. Will even rewatch in order to retain what I’ve learned. And man she is 28. Incredibly emotionally intelligent and very cunning herself.
I predicted she was going to know I was using some guide or plan to get her back, see it as a narcissistic ploy to try and trixk her back into a relationship, but it worked….. thank you so much…. Feel free to use this as a testimonial.
I have the love of my life back and I couldn’t be happier with the money spent. God bless your soul. You are a national treasure and an icon in my book. Preston”
“Hey Dan, I purchased “Get your ex back super system” on October 25th.
I just got my x back yesterday November 1st who iv been with for 8 years and who i share a 7 year old child with.
Thank you so much for your program. I never would have been able to put myself in the positive mind set needed to get her back otherwise. Also it gave me the tools to understand her tests and mind games and the confidence that I didnt have before to let her go out partying and not be insecure about it.
Although there were ups and downs from my October 25th purchase date till November 1st when I got her back and wasn’t exactly the lengthy time frame I would have liked but after relentless testing on her part that I know and understand how to laugh off and difuse the situation your program works to a tee.
I was really hesitant about buying it given the price but by far the best money Iv spent in a long time. The tools and skills on a fair value relationship your video has taught me will resonate with me for the rest of my life. Dan Bacon you are truly a god. Thank you, your truly indebted customer from Vancouver Canada, Peter”
“I just wanted to say a quick thank you.
After purchasing your get your ex back system I successfully followed the steps and won my ex back whilst making the necessary changes.
I noticed a power shift after getting back together which was natural after I’d been a bit too controlling on some issues so I needed to ease up.
Gradually I demonstrated to her that I was a capable man who she could look up to emotionally and she’s now happy again with the relationship.
I’ve also been able to reward her good girlfriend attributes with more attention and vice verse for things I’m not so keen on without being to reactive etc. Dean”
“Hi Dan! It is an absolute success story!
You are amazing my man!
My ex dumped me 2 months ago and I was lost when she said doesn’t feel anything anymore.
I seeked for anything what could help when I found your exback system.
Mate that stuff is just amazing you literally explain how to be man.
I followed it through but I had a different situation as I was living her so I could to pick up the important information for me.
So now we got to that point she is amazed with me and the changes so now I am dating her again
Taking it slow and trying to make it perfect this time.
I just really wanted to say thank you mate to being out there and helping out people with your stuff.
Well appreciated. Keep up the good job. Regards, Gavin”
“Getting my ex back was a bit more complicated than other guys because of her abused past, but your system definitely worked for me.
We were spending 1 day & evening a weekend together recently having deep love making. She then rang tonight saying we were falling into our old pattern and maybe we should break up again, but I changed her mind based on my newfound confidence and understanding of how to really connect with a woman’s mind.
Anyway she ended up saying she loved me multiple times and wants to be with me & address our niggles was the outcome.
In conclusion I wanted to thank you Dan as all your advice including the mistakes that guys make etc. has really helped me a lot. Thank you Dan, you’re making a lot of couples very happy with your programmes. Kind regards, M.Y”
“My wife of 11 years – who I doted on – suddenly left, took our kids, filed for divorce.
Turned out she was beginning an affair, felt no emotional connection, and had been unhappy for some time. I was devastated. I did not know what to do, and everything I seemed to try seemed to push her further away.
Using your methods in “Get Your Ex Back Super System”, I regained my confidence and mental and emotional strength.
I regained my masculinity, which feels amazing.
I made the necessary changes to re-attract her.
After being separated for 3 months, she’s back and has been for about two months now.
She moved back in on her own. She confronted her family and friends on her own, letting them know that I’ve changed and she wants to be with me.
She broke off the affair and blocked communication with the other man on her own.
She has told me she doesn’t know exactly what is different, but that she loves me, she is so attracted to me, and that she wants to be with me and only me for the rest of her life.
I can’t thank you enough.
My wife and family have always meant everything to me, but I never realized how I was smothering her by becoming part of her emotions instead of being an emotional strength myself, responsible for my own happiness and purpose, and allowing for her to be the freedom to be her true feminine self and experience these emotions without drawing me into them.
Thank you again.
I’ll send an update after a year or so, and I’m happy if you’d like to reach out for more…I think my story could be impactful for many, as 87% of separations end in divorce and many cases of infidelity do not reconcile. We’ve managed to do both so far, thanks in large part to what you’re teaching here. Thanks again! Nick”
“I have 2 young boys now 5&2. Married now 7 years and have been living with my wife for almost 15 years.
Two years ago I noticed my wife had become more and more cold to me in bed hugging, making dinners and just all activities. Shortly after, I learnt that my wife was leaving me and asked for a separation ( I literally lost my mind emotionally and my mojo and couldn’t believe what just happened.
I did the classic guy desperation cry , ask to have her back, said I will change, and went through all her stuff to see if another man was in the picture.
Later learning that when she stopped liking me, she was having a crush on a man at her work who had a family as well.
She came across a love story blog where she started writing back and forth with an author who left her husband to to meet another man in a relation.
Months later, I learn my wife is moving into a rental house close to our house (15blocks away).
But at that time I was researching on the internet and found many websites… obviously Dan’s site caught my interest after putting 100’s of hours into research.
I then started to follow Dan on his free YouTube videos and saw that he actually knew what he was talking about, so I got his ex back program and followed the steps.
It worked!!!!!!!
We are back together and have been living together for 3 weeks.
If I could hug you Dan and tell you I love you I would because last year was the hardest year of my life and you helped me get through it! Josh Oster”
“2 years ago, my girlfriend of 1 year and I went on “a 2-week break with no contact” (her idea), and she sort of explained the reasons behind it but couldn’t really articulate the problems we had and she herself seemed torn on the inside.
I googled furiously for help and after reading tons of blog posts/articles/etc, I found The Modern Man.
I was seriously hesitant to pay for a video series, but I finally ended up buying “Get Your Ex Back: Super System”.
This purchase was unbelievably helpful for me, not only in terms of telling me what to do, but also with understanding what possibly could be the reasons behind my girlfriend wanting this “break” when I thought everything was going fine.
Anyway, I did my best to follow all the advice Dan provided, and here I am two years later and that same girlfriend and I are now engaged and planning our wedding.
If you’re not sure if this purchase will be worth it, all I can say is it seriously helped me! David”
“Hi Dan Bacon,
WOW just WOW. as I’m writing this, i think back about what happen few weeks ago.. TOTAL CHAOS bro!
My girlfriend was so mad and left me. For few days, l was lost and sad. Lost the fire in my heart, you know.
Everything l did was just listen to sad music and pray every night.
Until someday while l was working, something came up my mind “hmm maybe l should google “how to get your ex girlfriend back” “.
It’s like something flash up my mind to google that, maybe thats the answer to my prayers. And then lots of things shown up and the name DAN BACON.
I read the blog and l was like WOAW! This man knows !
So l stop my job and start to read, lots and lots of things.
It was like, l found a guiding book about my life from the moment. Everything you write in that blog, are really really true.
Then i watched the Youtube Videos and really got something like enlightenment from you haha.. YOU THE MAN DAN!
And i spend few days thinking whether l should buy the program or not, considering lot of things, like from price to the different culture. Im from South East Asia.
Indonesia exactly, l dont know if any Indonesian ever purchase or maybe l am the first one.
So l think, this is it, if its not working at least i try!
She is going to be the love of my life, i can earn that money again but maybe finding someone like her is the most difficult part. So, Let’s just invest on this program.
I learned from your videos, writing on my notebook about what i should improve and what i should say when we are meet up and be confident.
Before that, she always said stop trying, you will never win my heart back. And telling everybody there is no way we gettin back together.
But deep inside my heart, I know I can do it, especially on your blog you said Woman heart can change depending on what you do, or something like that. I get more confident after read that.
You really give me lot of confidence after l feel insecure for few weeks.
I call her, not rushing everything, believe in that step by step.
And just 1 week later, we make up while laughing and confess we still love each other. And she said Yes, she want me back !
Oh dear, this program work for everybody if execution is well done !
To the people out there, DO IT! l was skeptical at first too. Since most of the user are from US or European guy.
Well give it a try, I’m from Indonesia and it works! Totally different culture and jokes, but the love and the way woman think are almost the same.
Like Dan said, you want her back, dont wait anymore ! Just go for it!
And last but not least, Thanks Dan. I’m glad l found you.
Like really, it works like magic. Not just my relationship, but for me mentally.
You change the way l think and the way l should behave.
As a man to another Man, THANK YOU DAN BACON. Best regards to you, AS.”
“I got my ex back almost 4 weeks after the break up. And things ARE WAY BETTER than before. She is more kind to me, more girly to me and SHE WANTS to take care of me as her man now.
She is also more sexually attracted to me than before. I no longer have to ask for sex again!
She no longer feels the need to go to another country to “find herself”. That was her own words.
She now knows that I´m becoming a better person as a result of the breakup.
Thank you, Dan and the modern man. Your work is truly stellar. Johan”
"Just want to say thanks, you're a f***ing rock star. I'm just getting started with the program and it absolutely has helped me.
She has already made contact with me.
No way I would have done that [customer is referring to a certain technique from the program that causes your ex to suddenly miss you and want you back] without get your ex back super system.
I would have screwed that up for sure haha!
I like your style Dan, thank you for putting in the hard work and sharing. Amazing! Mike"
“I just want to say that I got the Ex back super system back in November when my wife filed for divorce and I’m happy to say that she canceled the divorce process last week and our relationship is better then ever. Thank you Dan. Cesar”
“I went through Get Your Ex Back programme, completed all the exercises.
I just wanted to say a huge thank you, because the videos got me through the days after the break up.
In addition, I did not expect in my wildest dreams for it to work as well as it did.
Within 3 weeks of using the programme, I arranged a meet-up and got my ex back at first meeting.
She was saying things like “I can’t explain it but I’m suddenly so attracted to you again” and “You’re such a catch, I’m so stupid for letting you go”.
She broke up with her rebound in front of me by text and we’re back together.
On top of all that, people are treating me different.
I feel so confident and suddenly women are approaching me! It’s all down to your advice and videos. They really do work and I’m eternally grateful.
Best wishes, One Happy Customer”
“Hi Dan, Just wanted to say THANK YOU. My girlfriend and I broke up 6 months ago.
I was devastated because she was truly the love of my life.
I watched countless of “get your ex back” videos and yours resonated the most by far.
I decided to give your “Get you ex back super system” a try. I was apprehensive at first, but it all made sense. Long story short, I applied your steps to the T and was able to get my ex back within two months.
We are still together and the relationship is 10 times better than it used to be.
I’m even getting ready to propose to her and pretty damn sure she will say yes!
I never thought an online program like this would work. But your program assisted me in one of the saddest and most difficult moments of my life. I am forever thankful.
If you are ever in Charlotte NC, let me know, I owe you a lifetime of free beers! Regards, Jason”
“I just want to thank you Dan for being awesome at what you do!
I bought at least 5 of your programs, and they help me save my marriage, after my wife I told me she loved me but wasn’t in love with me (because I had threatened to divorce her about 12 times because I wasn’t happy, among other things), that she would be ok with or without me in her life, and that she didn’t think she could love me like she used to! But now, her love is back, and our relationship is better than ever! Thank you! TJC”
“Sup Dan
i worked thro the system and managed to get my ex back without really completing the system. it worked a bit too well XD. this isnt really a question for you i jus wanna say ur awesome and ur products work like magic. before i got ur products i was good with girls, but now damn im someone else. i got my ex back also to be as good of a gf as she was before. just wanna say thankyou and keep it up. MK”
“Hey Dan
You’re brilliant!!! I watched get your ex back super system and it really worked and my ex fiance begged me to take her back when the situation seemed completly impossible ( Full blockout and changed her phone number and moved to another country)!!
I did all the mistakes that turned her off..drunk calls, home visits, gifts and maybe more than 30 mistakes which i didnt realize except after watching your system.
I kept doing these mistakes for over than two month then i [Edited: Removed important technique from the program that customer mentions here]. It was only 12 days from when I used that technique and then she reached out and after 3 days she begged me to take her back. You saved the love of my life!! Yehia”
“Thank you all in the modern team for changing my life and helping me believe in myself again. Me and my ex are back together.
It’s like magic. Everything I say and do just turns her on, I don’t even have to try. Even if I just look at her. I can only imagine how much more powerful I can become if I keep this going.
I’m like the super saiyan god of deep attraction, respect and love.
I love you all! I wake up every morning feeling like a god. T”
“Hello, I just wanted to thank you.
I’ve been back with my wife for nearly a year now.
The wisdom that you provided me is unparralled.
We’re expecting our Second baby after almost a year apart with nearly no hope of reconciliation.
I use all your methods day in day out now, with all work and life. I have also been able to guide close friends and direct them your way. I started with Get Your Ex back super system. It worked! So thank you. Warmest, Michael.”
I was certain at the beginning that there was zero percent probability of us ever getting back together.
You could say that there is no guarantee of anything in life, but I have 100% confidence in this system working for other men if the process is followed through with faithfully.
I would go as far as to say that if it worked for me in my situation, it would work for anyone.
I’m super grateful to you in making this outstanding material available to us and think that you are an awesome guy. I would also highly recommend the Make Her Love you for Life program as well, which I apply the principles from daily, and my marriage and life has never been better. James”
“Dan, you’re an absolute pro and what you reveal to men couldn’t be more right or more powerful. You literally saved my marriage.
I’ll likely never meet you, but arguably you will have changed my life’s path as much as anyone. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
This is the text I just received this morning from my wife (we had been separated 11 months and tried a few times to reconnect before I started listening too and using your techniques) ….
“Dear, you’re my forever and I couldn’t be more happy we’re going to make it. Thank you for not giving up, thank you for changing, thank you for everything that you are. I honestly feel everything has changed and I know we’ll do everything right this time. Have the most amazing day. I can’t wait for you to get home. I Love you so very much”
I cannot thank you enough. Your ex back program and make her love you for life program is pure gold. Thank you! Steve”
“Thank you Dan! You made me see things in a new light. This is all the information I wish I would have been receiving when I was a young, misguided, horny teen. It was just like you said! My ex “baby mama” is feeling love on a level with me that she has not felt before! And my perspective and outlook on my abilities and myself, and women is quickly shifting, and transforming. Thanks again & Take care! Eyal”
“Damn man!! This was the worst possible conditions for a breakup that there could have possibly been.
I had the get your x back super system, loved it so much I decided to broaden my knowledge with the better than a bad boy and the flow and make her love you for life.
I had to buy air pods so I could listen to this constantly.
She left on feb 24 and by April 24 we were completely back better than ever!! We’re still together now.
So after 3 weeks in the beginning of misery then grabbing the system in less than 5 weeks she was mine again.
I can’t thank you enough.
She actually thinks I have a superpower now claiming I am “un-rejectable” haha msn thank you so much.
I fn love you bro!! Tim”
“Bruh… your stuff simply f*cking WORKS!!
About a month ago I thought I lost my girlfriend.
I thought that she fell out of love with me.
I think we hadn’t had sex in like a month or so, but the sex before that was sooo good… It was killing me!
Her lack of interest and distance hit me hard.
I panicked, cried. I talked to her – and she kind of reassured me, but, even tho I was pretty grounded, I just dug myself into a deeper and deeper hole.
Her behaviors got worse. She hit my weakest weak spot, and she tested the hell out of it.
I felt pretty hopeless, but I figured I’ll do whatever it takes. I watched a lot of your free relationship videos until I finally decided to invest into “make her love you for life”.
With your clear, simple, and powerful perspective, I got things back to how they’re supposed to be.
All it took was an hour long date. Even though she made it difficult… She was late. Distant. Barely wanted to interact with me. But BAM! I penetrated right through that sh*t.
I know she was turned on!! Even though she tried to hide it.
YESS! Upward spiral of confidence!
She is totally into me again. It’s an amazing feeling to get that back.
We’ve only been dating for a little over 4 months, but I can’t wait to see what this relationship will be like 1, 5, and 10 years from now!!!!! It’s gonna be so f*cking awesome! And I haven’t even listened to 25% of your program yet…
What you teach works and it was easy to do, so thank you!!! O.S.”
“Hey i just wanted to give you some feed back. My ex left me because she didn’t love me. I watched your get your ex back super system videos and it changed my life.
I got her back in 3 days because I quickly became the man you spoke about and completed the step you mentioned before contacting her. That made all the difference. Our sex is amazing now and she can’t get enough of it. Thanks Dan I’m loving my new life with her, Dave”
“Thank you Dan Bacon and TheModernMan! My whole life I have been believing the wrong myths about relationship and women in general.
I have made huge mistakes on treating my girl who was my childhood sweetheart and also I was an alcohol addicted /low self-esteem/jealous-filled and controlling boyfriend which I thought I was doing the right thing.
I took her for granted and she was about to leave me or at least taking a break.
After I went through your ex back program and changed my approach, guess what, my girl gave me a second chance surprisingly. I kept on pushing her away from me but you taught me how to pull her back. Thanks Sir! K”
“Hi Dan
I got your ex back program last week, secured a meet up with her and then did that last night.
She was very hesitant at first but I persisted as you mentioned in the program and she agreed.
We met up for what was supposed to be a quick coffee and that turned into her having feelings for me again and getting worried about it, so I suggested we got for a walk and while walking I suggested we go hang out at my place and she said yes.
To cut a long story short we ended up having sex and she said that she didnt know why but she felt differently and wanted to give us another chance!!!!
I knew at that moment that my decision to get your system was by far the best investment I have ever made in myself.
Her and I are taking things slow now but it looks good because she came over to my place yesterday and stayed the night so I am confident that I can continue to spark her feelings more. We even talked about going away for a weekend soon so it is looking very positive.
I can’t thank you enough Dan. You are saving a lot of men from a lot of messed up pain and problems.
I will certainly recommend you to friends if they go through a break up! Regards, Paul”
“I was literally blown away by “Get Your Ex Back Super System”! The information on relationships is fantastic and for the first time I saw my mistakes in such a clear way. It completely opened my mind as to what was killing my girlfriend’s attraction for me while I had been trying to get her back.
She was saying that her feelings were dead and I should just move on and find someone new. I made some quick changes based on what Dan said and she immediately began to react differently and open up to seeing me. That was absolutely amazing! I couldn’t believe it man.
Then I got her feeling so attracted when we met up that we kissed and had sex in such a passionate way. So thank you to Dan and The Modern Man. You guys saved me from losing my girlfriend. PK”
“This email is basically just to say a massive thank you to Dan and all the team at the modern man.
I messed up big time with my girlfriend of 14 months at the start of the year and she broke up with me. I was devastated and thought I’d lost her for good. I purchased get your ex back super system and watched Dan’s YOUTUBE videos over and over because I was determined to get her back.
I also purchased Alpha male power and better than a bad boy. These programs rebuilt my confidence and self belief and gave me the push to go after her and win her back. It took me 2 months of persistence and several knock backs to eventually get her to agree to meet me for a coffee.
She was ice cold at the meet up and gave me no hope of getting back together what so ever. But I remained calm and confident through out and used Dan’s attraction techniques, and 20 minutes after getting home I received a text from her telling me she still had some feelings for me.
I quickly arranged another meet up with her which went well, and today we met up again and ended up in bed together at my house. We’ve spoke about where things went wrong and what needs to change, but we’ve reconciled things and we’re back. I’m not losing her again because she means the world to me.
I’m 40 in June and we had a holiday to Las Vegas booked to celebrate the milestone before we broke up – which is now back on as well.
Dan, if you ever visit Scotland on holiday, send me an email and I will have a bottle of the finest malt whisky for you as a thank you for your excellent advice. Ryan”
“Hey Dan!
I’ll just like to share with you my success story.
I bought your ex back program and it has helped me win back my ex (now girlfriend again).
The lessons you taught has truly helped me gain perspective on how to carry myself not only as a person, but also as a MAN.
I decided to take the slow route, to gain back trust from my girl using all the methods you’ve recommended and it so works! The best part? I don’t feel like I’m sacrificing any aspect of myself! I’m being true to who I am.
It was definitely a conscious decision to behave a certain way, but as time goes along, I realised it’s slowly become a part of me.
Still, quite awhile before I reach the mastery levels of my ability to make a woman feel attracted, but I know I will eventually. Thanks a lot Dan! And to anyone who is second guessing themselves if they should invest in any of the programs here, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE because this stuff works. Aaron”
“Hi from Norway. Just want to say, thanks. You have changed my life. I am so happy. 46 years..should have known all this before. But anyway my ex is back. Thanks. I love your programs. Vince”
“Dan, after 4 long months I am happy to say I got my wife back!!! I got your system in November and started applying what you teach and worked just like you said it would.
One bit of advice I have for guys out there is please please focus on making your women feel a renewed sense of attraction and respect and forget about what she may be saying or doing to discourage you. Thank you Dan! Walter”
“Hi Dan,
My GF broke up with me on December 14th, and lets just say I cried and begged for about 2 weeks then realized it wasn’t going to do anything to get her back.
So I found your series and worked on me and forced myself to interact with women. It wasn’t long before I got numbers, built rapport, and moved forward to kissing and heavy petting, however no sex.
I cut off communication for 3 weeks with the EX, and then I was on a job interview in NYC about 3 weeks ago and posted on my Facebook I was at a Bar, my ex whom also lives in NYC was coincidentally 2 blocks away and we meet up…
Long story short, were back together, at one point she asked me if use getting back together was a good idea and if it was a good thing….I just laughed at her and said it was the best thing for us, cause the things you told me I lack (confidence, emotional understanding of women and body language) I’ve fixed and women now love me (showed her pictures from my phone) ….man…Dan….she flipped so quickly it wasn’t even funny…I told her she needs to behave and do things I like or I’ll just walk away and go to one of the other girls…I told her if she does things I like I’ll give her a reward, She was like really….I tease her with a reward and then giving her rewards, keeping her on her toes. When she does things I don’t like she goes to time-out, but only for 5 seconds, then I tell her to give me a hug and say she’s sorry….
I’ve turned the tides in the relationship, and now she always messaging me, chasing me….I tell her every time I talk to her, ” Ok talk to you in a week, I’m busy the next few days” 12 to 18 hours later she messages me wondering what I’m up too…
She says I’m different and understanding….
Right now I tell her I’m Version 2.0 with firmware 3.0 coning out soon, you better figure me out quick or you’ll be learning how to figure me out all over again…she’s like are you for real…I’m like stop being so serious, she’s like your mean…I’m like ya so??? O.o …she is pushed in the feminine every time….
Your material is spot on, I keep her in the feminine , but sometimes show my feminine then go right back to be a dominant male and she loves it…
Again thanks for your content, I’ll keep listening to it over and over again. Maybe sometime when I’m in Melbourne or your in the States, we can meet up!!! Trevor.”
“Dear Dan, I watched your ex back program regularly after my breakup in July. I was heartbroken and desperate.
Since then I worked on your advice and surprisingly, in August she returned in my life. Our bonding is now stronger than ever. Everything has worked out and going smoothly. Thank you so much! Sam”
“I just want to thank Dan for saving my relationship!! She was engaged to another man with a date set for next month and I got her back! Wow. Keenan”
“Hi I hope this message gets over to you. I bought the system. You saved 6 lives literally. My family was about to be broken up because my wife wanted to leave me.
Not even a social science psychologist at $193 dollars an hour, $25,000 on lawyer fees, couples retreats and many others got even close to your results. You got a gift. Thanks bro thanks I got my family back. Jerry”
“I wanted to say thanks. Found your advice to be very different from most other online searches.
No contact seems cruel and disrespectful to me so I put on my bigly pants and called her, after making the changes you recommend in your program Get Your Ex Back Super System. I made her laugh and listened to her…apologized for how I must have made her feel unloved and under appreciated too.
We had a great conversation and I’m confident the relationship is saved from your advice because we’ve since met up and kissed and she says she is open to getting back together, but taking things slowly. She wants to catch up again in a couple of days, so it’s all looking good.
I’d love to share more but wanted to take just a minute and say thank you for helping to save my relationship. It means the world to me. Thanks again, Rob”
“I have gone through the get your ex back material and it is simply amazing.
You should be given a medal for allowing men to be men in a relationship. I had no idea that I was not supposed to act the way that I was acting in response to her behavior. I have started making changes and she is attracted to me again. We’re back on! She was over at my place last night. Thank you! Mike”
“Hi Dan, Thank you for the most interesting emotional and sexual weekend I’ve ever had, at the age of 48 with my ex girlfriend who is 32.
Backstory: She broke up with me coldly over the phone at 5am last Tuesday, which I took very badly.
I spent the day in a depressed mess, literally didn’t see the point of being alive (and I have never been the kind of person to get depressed or even vaguely contemplate suicide).
Anyway, halfway through that day I had written all sorts of things to change her mind, remind her of what we’d shared, blah blah blah, – thankfully I didn’t send any of them. Just wrote and wrote and agonized. Somewhere along the line I clicked this wasn’t going to work. That it was going to drive her even further and harder away from me.
So I started looking up “how to get your ex back”. And found a host of stuff – including your material. The first thing I read was written by a woman and included things like: Write her a letter, telling her how you feel; Acknowledge your faults and apologize; Buy her flowers – after throwing up in my mouth a bit, I moved on to advice closer to yours.
When I first saw no contact advice, I could see the logic, but when I saw your material and what you have to say about no contact, the penny dropped.
I then decided to get your program and simply arm myself for success.
Based on your advice, the first (and hardest) thing I did was to accept the breakup.
I sent her a text apologizing for being such a pussy about things, and said that if she wanted to break up, we should break up and that there was no point holding on to something she didn’t think was working – that it’d still be nice to see her for dinner at the weekend, to give her the gift I’d bought her daughter and get my spare key back, followed by a wink emoji.
She thanked me and said it would be nice to have dinner, that she still loved and cared about me, and that I could decide if I wanted to remain friends or not.
I didn’t reply and didn’t contact her again, until she let me know on the morning of our dinner that she’d said a travel prayer for my daughter and her mom who were driving back home that day, and so I turned it into a bit of fun, and that conversation ended with her sending a LOL emoji.
That evening, by the time I walked into her apartment to pick her up for dinner (and share a glass of wine at her invitation), she was already flirting with me.
I just kept it light and distant and let her flirt.
Then I moved to pick her up off the counter to start heading out, and the intimacy exploded – we ended up kissing passionately for a bit, and then I broke it off and said, come let’s go to dinner. Which we did.
The rest of the evening was super-flirtatious and fun, and we ended up having mind-blowing sex that evening back at her place.
Long story short she ended up coming to my place the next day (after morning sex), and the whole weekend was just a glorious sex-fest, with many deep and meaningful conversations, lots of laughter and flirting, no stress, just pure enjoyment of each other.
To be this attractive to a woman you really love and like, after she was as cold as ice, is a life-changing experience.
She just couldn’t help herself!
And the change in me was so simple to effect.
I went from being a depressed mess of an emotionally needy wuss, to being upbeat, fine, light and humorous – and emotionally bigger than her – a man – within a 48-hour period (including the watching of your program).
And the change was so obvious to her. And extremely attractive.
She told me at one point – lying in bed together that my face looked different (before she knew what I’d been through that week), to which I replied ”I’m not surprised”, implying that something had happened.
Later the next day I told her what I’d been through, told her what I’d learnt about myself, and how I’d helped screw things up, and jokingly apologized for forcing her to have a lesbian relationship with me, and she looked at me with glowing eyes and said “You hit the nail on the head” and said how much she respected me for being able to effect that change and basically reverse our interaction.
(At another point she playfully punched me for not leaning in for a kiss, when I usually would have.)
So in a nutshell, I have gotten her back and I couldn’t be happier. Thank you! Amar”
“She loves me more than ever now that she can relax into her feminine mode. Even though I don’t want an exclusive relationship anymore, she still wants to date and have sex with me and hopes that I will change my mind.
Your ex back system is priceless and has given me an insight into women that was missing in my life until now. Cameron”
“Hey Dan, Just want to let you know that your approach is gold.
My x friend-zoned me about a month back because I was getting clingy and jealous.
She said she was cool with hooking up every once in a while but she didn’t want the relationship.
So I used your attraction/respect building approach and we hung out this weekend. We hooked up and I spent the night at her place.
She said she feels like I am a totally different man now and wishes I was like this before. She also said that she is now open to getting back together. I am going to continue using your tactics to completely secure the relationship. Thanks! J”
“Hi Dan, bought my first program from you early in the year. And have almost all of them. Live in Norway.
But can not thank you enough. Become 47 next year but you’ve changed my life completely and are forever grateful. Have my girlfriend back, and lots of ladies who likes me all around me all the time, and the job has changed for me because of you. Continue the good work you do. You are truly changing lives out here.
By the way, my son is 16 years old and very unsure. Must take him through this.
Hope sometime there will be such programs that can help girls also become alpha/beta girls, and more feminine girls. Some strong girl that can start that. Thank you very much. Best regards Ed”
“Hi Dan
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for saving my marriage. It was dead in the water and my wife had already began going on dates with a new guy that she knows from work. But I put your advice into action from the Get Your Ex Back system and boy did it work.
My wife came crawling back to me, crying and apologizing. I am now in the position of power in the relationship and we are more in love than ever before. Your tips on sex where a huge eye opener for me as well. I would rarely get her to orgasm before but now it is happening almost every time we have sex.
You are doing great things for the men of this world Dan and you deserve a lot of credit. Had I known what your program would do for me I would have happily paid double the price.
I’ll be a loyal fan of yours for life. Best regards Bryon”
“Hello Dan, how I can thank you.
I don’t know how I can explain what happened because it’s a long story, but your advice saved my life man.
I’ll never forget your words, it was really helping me even in my business your relationship course shifted me from earth to sky.
I’ve already got a new girlfriend who is like an angel that has fallen from the sky. I am experiencing real love with her and we have a child together.
Every time she tests me comes your words like a bell in my mind. I just know how to answer her. She just love me with no limits. Imagine this man, she even helps me put on my shoes.
She just do anything for me because of the way I deal with her as you explain in your program.
Also, my work has gotten better, my relationships with my friends and customers are 1000 times better.
The most important part I want to tell you that am a refugee man came from Syria to Belgium.
Here, the culture is so different and the lifestyle so far from the traditional life I was used to, but I am doing well now.
I also managed to win back my ex and we got back together, but I decided not to keep her because I got my new girlfriend and she was even better.
My ex was playing with my emotions and taking advantage from me because she know am from different culture and totally from another lifestyle.
She was making me very angry and I was contemplating doing bad things to myself or others.
That went on for so long and I then started to give up.
By chance, I was searching and it lead me to your course.
Using your technique, my ex was then calling me at 1:00am or 3:00am some nights and texting me to forgive her.
I gave her a chance initially and we got back together, but then I dumped her after a month because I didn’t like how she treated me after the breakup.
It really helped me emotionally to get her back and I finally stopped feeling the pain of being abandoned and dumped by her.
I didn’t want to continue with her though.
So, when she kept trying to call me and text me to keep things going, I just ignored her.
She didn’t stop trying, so I sent her my picture with my new girlfriend kissing and traveling together.
I was originally the one begging for her and she said she didn’t want ANYTHING to do with me, but she ended up begging for me. It blows my mind man.
Thank you Dan for turning my life around. Imad”
“Hey Dan,
I have been working on everything you have taught me and I think its finally starting to come together.
I have visited my ex a couple times now and she seems so in love again. She now compliments me about how much more masculine I am and treats me so much better. I am so happy, thank you. We are better than ever and I feel like (with your help) I’m learning to keep the dominant role and stay in control of my emotions.
Now that I am more aware my role in the relationship we have a deeper connection and are on the way to an Amazing relationship. Alex”
“Hi Dan, I purchased your program Get My Ex Back Super System for $297.00.
I started not with the first video, but rather with the video about how to contact your ex. Trying to take a short cut.
Downloaded all the texts what you should say or text when you contact your ex to set up one “last” catch up meeting. And I loved the whole structure and approach ( I am a sales guy, who does not have any problems with getting beautiful women). But then I said to myself let’s check out everything from the start.
So I watched the first two videos about why women leave you and how to fix and improve yourself. This took almost 5 hours!!! But I took a look of notes in form of screen shots and replayed many sections.
So we are talking more about 10 hours just for the first two videos. All the sales stuff how to contact her became irrelevant to me, because it was clear to me how much I have screwed up with my wife and even more importantly how can I fix things with her by improving myself.
I wrote my Letter of Pain (part of the program) based on your template (almost copied it!) and my emotional state went from devastated and being an emotional wrack to let’s do it, let’s get her back.
That was the beginning of a very quick recovery process which did way more for me than me going to a therapist!
With these two videos I found my inner peace and my emotional center once again. Then the events with my wife turned from horrible to good to fantastic!
My wife left me two month before, raged a nuclear war on me in the family court system, with a no contact order and even before that a restraining order and filed for divorce. So I did not even had a legal chance of contacting her unless I wanted to end up in jail.
My only way was to bump into her by coincidence twice or three times a week or so. Basically from an outsider perspective my case was hopeless!!! All my friends were telling me to move on.
I applied everything from the first two videos only in my limited interactions with my wife and it took me from the day I bought the program, 6/22 until 7/3 to finally succeed. In less than two weeks I was able to turn the worst nightmare in life around to a much better relationship than ever before.
I changed the approach a little bit because of my particular difficult circumstances, but the Letter of Pain was my winner among a few other things.
Once back with my wife on July 3 I showed her the letter and she loved it!
Yesterday July 8 she dropped everything in the family court, all the divorce actions were retracted by her, the lawyers were fired and we are living back together since July 3.
My wife is a highly educated and intelligent career woman and looks beautiful with plenty of options to get men.
So you can’t just fool her.
What made all the difference in the world were three things:
1. Understanding/Acknowledging my faults in detail and improve quickly
2. Get back to an emotional attractive state (I was able to do this in a week)
3. NEVER GIVE UP!!! (Don’t even think about to listen your friends: move on, time will heal all wounds, there more girls, give her time…)I really suffered in the 2.5 month my wife was gone. This was not a joke at all. And I consider myself an Alpha guy. The $297.00 was nothing. Our lawyers charged that for 45 minutes.
But your advice and your thoughts and insights were everything! Screw my friends in this regard. But Dan was the one who really made a difference.
I became for $297 and 10 hours of watching the first two videos a much better man. And that was the important part for my wife.
What I am trying to say I never even needed to apply all the contact her techniques from video 5. Can I recommend the program? Hey is the pope catholic? Hell, YES!!! Thank you, Dan! Roman”
“This might sound like a bit of a cliche, but after making just about every mistake under the sun (such as grovelling, getting angry, making ultimatums) and following the advice of some other programs, I applied the principles of your ex-back system exactly as specified and have been back with my wife for quite a while now after a year of separation.
“Good morning Dan, and thanks for all you do.
I’m writing to inform you that I am back again with my girlfriend. We broke up seven months ago. I thought I had no chance anymore because of how long we had been apart, but I tried the steps in your program, and it actually worked.
I never for once thought it would be possible because she previously confessed we would never be able to talk together again. I wouldn’t know that she was anticipating to hear my voice if I never come across your blog, and then tried your program. I would have just stayed in no contact like so many people say to do, and then lost her.
Your program gave me the confidence and insight I needed to just man up and contact her after planting a seed of doubt in her mind as you explain in the program. It worked!!! So thank you Dan. I appreciate all you do. You saved me from losing the love of my life, and I will always be grateful for that. Abdullahi”
“Your products are worth every penny you charge. My experience with the ex back supper system has changed my life. Though my ex initially expressed no interest on reconciliation, she opened up to it very quickly when I used your method. I then got her back, but eventually changed my mind and left her.
Your products have allowed me to “man up” on so many levels. They have allowed me to genuinely move on and experience share love moments with many different women since the break up. I appreciate your eye opening books and relationship advice, it is truly priceless as I now, with confidence can attract almost any woman I talk to.
I cannot believe how effective your advice is. Best of all, they reciprocate and share themselves with me and this is the most free I’ve felt my whole adult life. I may have left my wife of 17 years behind, but I’m experiencing a whole new life that I love now. Thank you for your help, stay strong. Cheers, Kyle”
“Your program [Get Your Ex Back Super System] is such a gem of knowledge.
I was blown away at how many mistakes I was making in the relationship and how they basically all applied to me even though I am a woman. What I found out from your program was the catalyst to push me to give it another chance with my ex girlfriend and it worked.
I was about to give up before I stumbled across your youtube videos, but I gave it a chance and we’re seeing each other again. So from me, thank you. Thank you so much. G”
“I got my ex girl back and I’m a woman. I just wanted to let you know that because I know you only advertise your products for men, but it worked for me too. Lots of love, Penny!”
“After my wife and I separated I didn’t know where to turn for help.
I tried a bunch of things that I’d found online like no contact, but it was just pushing her further away from me. Another guy was in the picture so I knew that I needed to act fast. A friend suggested The Modern Man, I got the Ex Back program and her and I are back together in a better relationship than we had before.
I’ve become a better man than I was before which has not only helped my marriage, but my standing at work where I have recently been promoted. I can’t thank Dan and his team enough for what they do. Highly recommended! Dave”
“Because of Dan Bacon’s get your ex back super system, My ex wife actually set up a meet up sort of anyways.
I’ll give a little back story here…
I made every mistake imaginable during our divorce. So much that at a point I was worse than where I was when she filed for divorce. I ended up on drugs and really felt sorry for myself for awhile.
Then after going to jail for violation of a restraining order with her somehow in that time of no contact and being in jail I decided to change myself. Not to get her back but just for me. To be a better person more loving and compassionate and less like the person I used to be that used people for what he wanted.
After jail the no contact order was still in effect. I worked on myself still battled with drugs for a little while but soon came to the conclusion that’s not where I wanted my life to be.
Now a little less than a year of being out of jail came a circumstance where her and I had to do a drop off and pick up face to face. I came and got our son and took him back. When I got him it was very much just stay outside I’ll bring him to you and I didn’t expect anything more than that and was just happy to see my son for the weekend and spend time with him. However the interesting part was the drop off.
I in no way shape or form think this was an accident. I got there asked if I could smoke outside cause I was currently borrowing a car while mine was in the shop and the owner is an anti smoker. She offered for me to come in and I accepted. She then offered me a drink so I had a beer. She poured hers in a fancy glass I took mine straight from the can like a real man, lol.. Something about that actually did feel more masculine to me so I went with it.
Anyways got a tour of the house and while I was there she texted a friend. Her friend blocked me in the driveway. Now I’m stuck here but had no idea at the time. Everyone began to chit chat and have a good time but I realized I said I wouldn’t keep the car for long. Realizing I’d been there a half hour longer than I expected I just simply said I needed to head out.
Then her friend who was a married woman this is how I know it wasn’t an accident, said oh I think we blocked you in when we got here.
So as not to ruin the moment or pressure them into not visiting each other I said oh no worries I can wait. I end up there a half hour more before they leave. I felt like I could’ve stayed longer but didn’t push it instead I went with the I’m busy got stuff to do routine and headed on my way.
During our visit I was asked if we could be Facebook friends again and if everything between us was straight. I said yes that I didn’t hold any anger towards her so if she wanted to be Facebook friends that was fine with me.
Now this is the same woman who told me no when I asked her the exact same way for the exact same reason.
Well now I’m at a point where every tactic I tried years ago only to fail she’s now trying on me. Offering a drink with her was my idea a couple years back, offering facebook friends a couple years ago, all things I did a couple years back.
She is open to me again and wants to see me. She seems drawn to me again. I have re-attracted her, despite it all. Now it’s just a matter of time and patience.
Even in the worst of my struggle with drugs I hoped her and I could at least be good friends again.
Now that she is actively trying to see me again, my second chance is at my feet and because of God and this program I feel like I really do have a second chance now.
Thank you guys very much you put together an awesome program that actually let me learn a lot about women and even more about myself and who I am as a man. Anonymous”
“Hi Dan
I want to check in here and tell you that I got my ex girlfriend back.
I was very skeptical coming into this because everyone was promising to help but I knew in my heart and mind that you were the guy to trust. I’m extremely grateful to have chosen the right method to use but nothing can describe how happy I am to have my girlfriend back.
I won’t go into what I did to get her back because I don’t want to spill the beans on your system but the best part about it is that she apologized to me for breaking up with me and basically fell right back into my arms even though for months prior she was telling me to get lost. She wanted nothing to do with me at all and then changed because of one of the simple methods you advise to use. I didn’t think it would work to be honest but it changed her almost overnight.
So thank you. I am over the moon right now. My girlfriend is sleeping over at my place tonight and all is back to normal in my life. Sincerely, Evan”
To submit a success story or review, please contact us here. We would love to hear from you.
Ex Back Mastery Pack
Provides you with additional training on how to be irresistibly attractive and appealing to your ex and how to keep the relationship together after getting her back.
Before I created Get Your Ex Back Super System, many men had used what they learned about attraction from Better Than a Bad Boy to reattract their ex woman and get another chance with her.
That’s how powerful the attraction methods are in Better Than a Bad Boy.
In Better Than a Bad Boy, you will learn how to effortlessly attract a woman in a deep way that she cannot ignore.
She then feels compelled to be with you.
It’s a primal kind of attraction that just stops her in her tracks.
That said, Get Your Ex Back Super System is my step-by-step method to get a woman back and you can just use that to get her back if you want to.
However, if you feel like your case is a lot more difficult than other guys, or if you really want the extra training on how to be attractive and appealing to your ex to ensure she wants you back, then the Mastery Pack is for you.
Make Her Love You For Life is also included in this Mastery Pack.
I recorded Make Her Love You For Life 5 years into the happy, loving and successful relationship that I have with my wife.
As of typing this, we have now been together for more than 10 years and I still use the Make Her Love You For Life approach to this day.
As a result, the love, respect and attraction her and I feel for each other has always grown and become even stronger over time.
When that happens in a relationship (it’s easy to do when you understand how), both you and her don’t ever want to be with anyone else.
It cements the relationship together for life.
So, if you need help with keeping the relationship back together after getting your ex back, then the addition of Make Her Love You For Life in the Mastery Pack will really help you.
- Get Your Ex Back Super System – 10 hours of video.
- FREE BONUS Texting and Calling Your Ex: All of the text, phone call and social media message examples from Get Your Ex Back Super System, plus bonus examples and advanced tips for difficult ex back situations. 77-page ebook. $137 value.
- FREE BONUS Ultimate Make Up Sex: How to give her the type of sex that will completely change her mind about the breakup and make her feel attracted to you in new and exciting ways. 2 hours, 47 mins. $297 value.
- Better Than a Bad Boy – 10 hours, 50 minutes of video.
- Make Her Love You For Life – 9 hours of video.
- The Modern Relationship (not sold separately) – 1 hour, 45 mins of video.
Total price: $1,058
Pack price: Only $457
You save: $601 (56% discount)
Ex Back Advanced Pack
The addition of Better Than a Bad Boy gives you more ways to make her feel attracted and drawn to you.
As mentioned in the Mastery Pack section, men previously used the powerful attraction methods in Better Than a Bad Boy to get ex women back before I created Get Your Ex Back Super System.
That’s how powerful the attraction methods are in the program.
So, if you need more help on how to be attractive and appealing to your ex, then the Advanced Pack is for you.
- Get Your Ex Back Super System – 10 hours of video.
- FREE BONUS Texting and Calling Your Ex: All of the text, phone call and social media message examples from Get Your Ex Back Super System, plus bonus examples and advanced tips for difficult ex back situations. 77-page ebook. $137 value.
- FREE BONUS Ultimate Make Up Sex: How to give her the type of sex that will completely change her mind about the breakup and make her feel attracted to you in new and exciting ways. 2 hours, 47 mins. $297 value.
- Better Than a Bad Boy – 10 hours, 50 minutes of video.
Total price: $694
Pack price: Only $427
You save: $267 (38% discount)
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