1. What will I achieve by using your advice?
2. Will it work for me?
3. What topics are covered in your products?
4. Which product should I choose first?
5. Do you offer a guarantee?
6. Can I buy your products from a bookstore in my town/city?
7. Can I buy your products from my country?
8. Will anything ever be sent via postal mail to my home address?
9. What payment options do you offer?
10. What will the purchase show up as on my credit card?
11. What are some of the benefits of improving my skills with women?
12 .What are the main differences between your premium advice and all the free stuff online?
13. Do you have any free stuff I can look at first, before purchasing your premium advice?
1. What will I achieve by using your advice?
Our advice and proven techniques allow you to easily:
- Approach a woman without any fear of rejection and have her become interested in you immediately.
- Start a conversation (in 100s of different environments), keep it going and keep it interesting.
- Get phone numbers or get a woman to add you to Facebook within minutes of meeting her.
- Move in for the first kiss and escalate to sex on the first night you meet a woman, after a first date or even with a woman you've known for a while. Our rejection-proof techniques work EVERY time.
- Make a woman eager to have sex with you, even if you've previously made a bad impression on her.
- Find and keep your ideal girlfriend, or date and have sex with many women before getting into a committed relationship.
Would you like to have that power over women and your dating life with them? Can you imagine what your life would be like if you were using our techniques?
Imagine that the next time you spoke to a woman, she liked you immediately. Imagine being able to effortlessly keep the conversation going and keep it interesting, without EVER running out of things to say. Imagine that she quickly becomes eager to kiss you and have sex with you. Imagine that she falls in love with you and doesn't want to be with any other guy from then on.
Imagine having that kind of power over women. It is possible, it is EASY and it is exactly what we will teach you here.
If you're tired of being single and alone and WISH you could get more women to like you, go ahead and TRY our advice for yourself. We welcome you to try our advice RISK FREE for 30 days. If it doesn't work for you (it will!), we will give you your money back.
Back to Top2. Will it work for me?
How do we know? We get new success stories every day from guys all around the world. Our techniques really do work. Our advice is not only for cool guys, nerdy guys, tall guys, shy guys, confident guys or guys from a certain nationality - this stuff works for all guys all around the world. We also know that it will work for you because we have tested our advice by teaching new guys in person, almost every weekend on our weekend courses for many years. No matter how new a guy is to this or how "bad" he is with women, he gets results immediately when he uses our proven techniques.
Still skeptical? Please don't be. You managed to find our website amongst the millions of random sites online. You have discovered the perfect place to finally fix your problems with women, so why not give it a try?
We offer a 30 day, money back guarantee and our advice has been thoroughly tested and proven to work in real life environments, with real clients for over 6 years. We want to help you get the results that YOU want with women, so don't cheat yourself out of this great opportunity by being too skeptical about this. Try it for yourself and see, or check out what other guys have been saying about our advice before you decide to give it a try.
Back to Top3. What topics are covered in your products?
You will learn everything you need to know to be successful with women and dating in the modern world. We have included all of the most important areas and topics, so you will never have to learn about this area of your life again. Once you learn from us, your problems with women and dating will be solved for good.
Topics include:
- Approaching women.
- Starting conversations.
- Keeping conversations going.
- Keeping conversations interesting.
- Natural attraction.
- Getting a woman interested.
- Confidence.
- Flirting.
- Body language.
- Escalating to a phone number.
- Escalating to a kiss.
- Escalating to sex.
- Dating.
- Getting a girlfriend.
- Establishing a successful relationship.
- Keeping a woman interested.
We go into detail under each topic and ALWAYS provide you with tested, practical examples that you can use in your life immediately. Our advice is proven to work for men all around the world.
Back to Top4. Which product should I choose first?
Each of our products is designed to improve your overall skills with women and includes information on many different topics. However, each product is heavily focused on a very specific area.
- Approaching women and getting dates: The Flow
- Starting and continuing conversations: The Ultimate Guide to Conversation
- Building and maintaining true confidence: Mastery Methods & Mindsets
- Naturally attracting women: Confessions of a Natural
- Getting a girlfriend: 21 Great Ways to Get a Girlfriend
- Going from approach, to sex and into a dating relationship: Dating Power
5. Do you offer a guarantee?
We welcome you to try our advice risk free for 30 days and if it doesn't work out for you, we will refund your money. We guarantee that when you use our advice, you WILL get the results that you want with women.
Our advice will work for you, just like it has for our many happy customers. Try it today and see yourself!
Back to Top6. Can I buy your products from a bookstore in my town/city?
Our products are available exclusively on TheModernMan.com only. We offer our products as a download and nothing is ever sent via postal mail.
Back to Top7. Can I buy your products from my country?
You can buy our products online right now. Go to the product page of the product you want, buy it and you will get instant access to download it. We're open 24/7!
Back to Top8. Will anything ever be sent via postal mail to my home address?
We will never, ever send you anything (e.g. promotional material, receipts, invoices, etc) via postal mail - ever. We have this policy to ensure your privacy.
Back to Top9. What payment options do you offer?
1. Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard)
We accept Visa and MasterCard via our site. The transaction is protected by GoDaddy SSL Security, using up to 256-bit encryption (the highest level commercially available and the type that banks use). This ensures that information is kept 100% safe and secure when purchasing.
Following your purchase you will have instant access to download the product(s) you have purchased.
Click here to purchase via credit card.
2. Pay Pal (Credit Card, Debit Card, Direct Bank Transfer)
You can purchase via Pay Pal using your credit card or debit card (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX & Discover). Sign up to Pay Pal here.
If you don't have a debit or credit card, you can also pay directly from your bank account. After linking your bank account to your Pay Pal account, complete the following steps:
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10. What will the purchase show up as on my credit card?
11. What are some of the benefits of improving my skills with women?
- Choose who you date: Unfortunately, most guys end up accepting 'whatever they can get' when it comes to women, because they don't know how to attract the women they really want to be with. Our tested techniques give you the power to choose the women who will be lucky enough to date you, have sex with you and be in a relationship with you.
- Get women chasing you: Most guys make the mistake handing over their 'dating power' to women by chasing and trying to pick women up. With our advice, you will learn how to get women chasing you all the way from the first approach to the date and into a relationship.
- Follow a step-by-step process from approach, to sex and into a relationship: Do you get stuck at certain points when you're pursuing a woman? Maybe you run out of things to say to women when you initially speak to them, maybe you can't get women to see you as more than just a friend, or you get nervous and avoid going in for a kiss or escalating to sex when you know the time is right. By learning from us, you will discover the natural process from approach to sex and into a relationship. You'll know exactly what to do each step of the way and you'll never ruin another opportunity with a girl you like.
- Know when she is interested: You will learn what to look for when talking to a woman to find out if she is sexually and emotionally interested in you. From there, simply use our tested kissing and escalation techniques to easily move to kissing, dates and sex.
- Keep conversations going and keep them interesting: Have you ever started talking to a woman that you like, but then run out of things to say...and lost your opportunity with her? Knowing how to keep a conversations going (and keep them interesting) is vital to your success with women, because it allows you to speak to a woman long enough for you to move things forward to a phone number, kiss, date and sex.
- Make her laugh: You've probably heard a woman say, "I like a guy who can make me laugh" before, right? Practically every woman says this. It is critically important that you know how to make women laugh during conversation. We provide you with 100s of examples of funny things to say and do around women that are guaranteed to get a laugh.
- Express your interest in her correctly: A lot of guys make the mistake of revealing their feelings for a woman in the wrong way. Unfortunately, this often leads the woman to end the friendship/relationship and the guy loses his chance. You will learn the correct way to show your interest in a woman during conversation. Best of all, our method for showing interest in a woman is 100% rejection-free...you simply CANNOT get rejected when you use our proven techniques. Try it for yourself and see.
- Overcome nerves, anxiety and shyness: Women aren't attracted to nervousness, shyness or anxiety in a guy. In fact, being too nervous or shy is as much as a turn off to women as obese women are to us men. You will discover what causes some men to become nervous, anxious or shy around women and you will also learn the secret to instantly overcoming all of these problems.
- Spark & maintain attraction: If a woman isn't attracted to you, it doesn't matter how much you talk to her - she still won't want you sexually. Using our proven techniques for conversation, you will be able to instantly spark a woman's attraction for you and then maintain that all the way into and throughout a relationship.
- Avoid being seen as needy, desperate or sleazy: A lot of guys try not to appear needy or desperate during conversations with women they like, but they find it almost impossible to hide it. Sometimes, when a guy tries to appear confident - he ends up looking sleazy and turns women off. Our advice will show you how to instantly eliminate any signs of neediness, desperation or sleaziness. In fact, these techniques are so powerful that they make the WOMAN become needy and desperate for your attention and interest.
- Be yourself and be loved for it: There's nothing better than women being attracted to you as a person and then falling in love with you for who you really are on the inside. When you learn how to talk to women correctly, they will eagerly try to get to know you. They'll find almost everything you say interesting and they will want to keep talking to you.
- Handle tricky situations with ease: Sometimes, it's not as straightforward as talking to a woman, getting her phone number and going on a date. Sometimes, things get in the way and make it harder to get to the point of sex and dating. Using our tested techniques, you will easily handle these 'tricky' situations and get the result you want - every time.
- Avoid running out of things to say: This probably has to be one of the biggest problems for guys when talking to women. They know of a few things to say, but then run out of things to say and the conversation dies. You will discover 100s of cool, funny, interesting things to say to women that keep your conversations going and keep them interesting!
- Build more confidence: Experts agree that confidence is directly linked to your 'mindsets' (how you think). By learning from us, you will uncover all of the most important mindsets involved in building and maintaining confidence with women. Without these mindsets fueling your confidence, you will probably always remain in a state of low self-esteem and self-doubt around women.
- Maintain your state of confidence: If something good happens in your life, it is easy and natural to feel confident for a few minutes or a few hours. However, unless your confidence is fueled by the right mindsets - the sudden rush of confidence you felt will quickly fade away. Our advice will show you how to maintain your state of confidence always. That way, you will always make the right moves around women with confidence, instead of feeling nervous, doubting yourself and missing out on great opportunities with women.
- Attract women on a deeper level: There's nothing more attractive about a man to a woman than his confidence. Women will notice your new, deeper level of confidence and it will attract them to you the same way their cleavage and hot bodies attract you to them. You may also notice (some customers have reported this and we've also experienced it a fair bit in our own lives) that women sometimes approach you.
- Remove all fear: Does your mind sometimes fill up with fear around beautiful women, no matter how hard you try to feel confident and relaxed? It feels like a constant battle between you and your mind...with your mind almost always winning. In our products, we spend a lot of time undoing all of the 'bad mindsets' and insecurities that cause you to feel fear around women. From now on, you will be in total control of your emotions and be able to do what you want, when you want - without fear.
- Transform yourself: As you go through the lessons you will be transforming yourself from the ground up and will rise to the ultimate level of success with women - we call it the Mastery Level. This is the level at which you have all the dating power (women try to impress you and maintain your attraction and interest), where you attract, date and have sex with beautiful (not just average) women and where women basically offer themselves to you during the first conversation. It is a fun, fulfilling life to be living. You can achieve this Mastery Level, just like many of our happy customers already have.
- Strengthen your personality: As you strengthen various parts of your personality (e.g. your confidence, your ability to flirt, your 'social coolness', your ability think and act like an alpha male), most women will simply submit in your presence instead of being bitchy or playing hard to get. Since they will clearly see that you are a strong man, they won't need to waste time trying to find that out by putting you under so much pressure.
- Avoid rejection: For some men, rejection can feel 100 times worse than a painful bee sting. Being rejected by a woman you like is enough to cause most men to lose a lot of confidence and hide themselves away for weeks, or even months. However, when you know how to talk to women correctly so that they try to pick YOU up, you simply can't get rejected. From now on, you will have the 'dating power' when you talk to ANY woman...no matter how hot or sought-after she is.
- Be the man you want to be: Are you living your life the way you really want to be living it? Or, are you avoiding what you really want with women out of fear, uncertainty or lack of direction? There's no better feeling that being the man you really want to be around women. Instead of staying up late at night fantasizing about how cool you could be (or looking back on your life in years to come with deep, unsettling feelings of regret), NOW is the time to be the man you want to be.
- Gain an instant advantage: By learning our tested techniques that have been proven to work for all types of guys, you will gain an instant advantage over 99% of men who don't know about The Modern Man and what we offer here!
12. What are the main differences between your premium advice and all the free stuff online?
Our advice:
- Has been thoroughly tested: We initially spent 3 years testing and developing our techniques and then spent an extra 3 years teaching clients how to use the techniques on live weekend courses. THEN (and only then) did we record our products and make the information available online. Everything you learn from us has been thoroughly tested and is guaranteed to work for you.
- Makes women try to pick you up: Pretty much everything you can find online will tell you to do a whole bunch of stuff to try and impress women and get them to like you. This is wrong! When a woman senses that you are trying your best to pick her up, she will usually "put her guard up" and make you try even harder. We teach you how to flip that situation around so women try to impress YOU.
- Is proven to work: We receive new success stories every day from guys all around the world. Watch video testimonials here
- Is based on natural attraction: We don't teach tacky tricks that only briefly attract women to you. Our method will cause women to feel a deep and lasting attraction for you. Best of all, you don't have to become something that you're not to be successful with women. We'll show you how to "be yourself" and have women love you for that.
- Works all around the world: It doesn't matter if you're from the USA, Australia, UK, Europe or Asia - our advice will work for you because women respond to the SAME attraction triggers regardless of culture or nationality. We know this because we have travelled the world picking up women and because of the success stories we have received from guys all around the world.
- Is exclusive: No-one else is able to teach the techniques we have discovered from over 6 years of research, testing and development. You simply cannot learn this premium, proven to work advice from anyone else online.
The techniques you are about to learn are guaranteed to make women:
- Want to be approached by you.
- Become interested in you immediately.
- Remain interested in you.
- Want to give you their contact details.
- Want you to contact them.
- Want to go on a date with you.
- Enjoy their dates with you.
- Want to kiss you.
- Want to have sex with you.
- Want to have a relationship with you.
13. Do you have any free stuff I can look at first, before purchasing your premium advice?
- Audio vault: Clips from our early seminars.
- Free report 1: The Flow in Action.
- Free report 2: Dating Power in Action.
- Case Study 1: Customer gets a girlfriend after being rejected.
- Case study 2: Customer overcomes his fear of approaching women.