Confessions of a Natural
4 interviews with men who are naturally good with women. Their secrets for easy success with women are finally revealed.
- Audio.
- 7 hours.
- Instant download and/or listen online from within your Modern Man account at any time.
- Opens and plays on phones, tablets and desktop computers (Mac and PC).
- Lifetime access to redownload or watch online.
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Ash 'Mr Alpha Male': Clip 1Ash 'Mr Alpha Male': Clip 2
Mark 'The Master': Clip 1
Rick 'The Popular Guy': Clip 1
Rick 'The Popular Guy': Clip 2
Andrew 'The Funny Guy': Clip 1
Andrew 'The Funny Guy': Clip 2
The problem
Guys who are naturally good with women (Naturals) usually don't share their techniques with us 'regular guys'. This leaves regular guys at a constant disadvantage, because the Naturals know of secret dating techniques and strategies that make women fall in love with them and want to have sex with them like nothing else can. For them, it's just natural.
The solution
Dan, Ben and Stu have recorded 4 'top secret' interviews with Naturals, getting them to share the techniques that have been kept secret from other guys all this time.Finally, guys like us can learn the techniques that allow the Naturals to enjoy such easy success with women!
How it works
Dan, Ben and Stu ask the Natural a series of hard-hitting questions, getting him to reveal all of his very best techniques for approaching, talking to, dating, getting to sex and getting into relationships with beautiful women. As the Natural reveals his answers, Dan, Ben and Stu ask further questions to really get to the core of the techniques and strategies being used.
From this, you get practical, ready-to-use advice that you can use to enjoy the same, easy success with women that Naturals have been experiencing all this time.
What you will learn
Here are just some of the juicy secrets you'll discover when you listen to the Confessions of a Natural interviews:
- How to go from 'just friends' to an intimate relationship: No more wondering what you should do about your feelings for her. No more worrying about some other guy taking her from you. Learn how to get her for yourself today. Rick's interview also includes important advice on asking a girl out in a work environment.
- The secrets to attracting the most beautiful women in the world: I'm talking beauty queens, Miss World contenders, etc. Mark the Master reveals how he gets the hottest women with a UNIQUE and highly-effective 'nice guy' approach. Ben, Stu and I have seen Mark use this genuine approach over and over again...and he always gets the girl.
- How to move in for the first kiss: There's nothing worse than spending hours, days, weeks or even months building up your relationship with a woman...to only ruin it when you go in for the kiss at the wrong time, or in the wrong way. Find out how to tell if she wants to kiss you and what to do next when you see a perfect opportunity right in front of you.
- How to bring more cool, caring friends into your life: As Rick says in his interview, "You can never have enough friends". Without caring, loyal friends in your life, things can get pretty lonely and depressing. The advice that the Naturals give (especially Rick) is guaranteed to quickly and easily bring more cool, caring and loyal friends into your life.
- How to tell if a woman likes you: Not knowing if a woman likes you the SAME WAY as you like her can drive you crazy. As you think about her, you go over and over the interactions you've had with her, trying to work out if you've stuffed it up, if she likes you the same way and what you should do next. When you know that a woman likes you, you can then move forward with setting up dates and getting to the bedroom...the place where you really want to get to with her.
- The right way to tell a woman that you like her: Too often, guys will ruin their chances with a woman by revealing their feelings in the wrong way. There is a certain way that you need to say this that makes a woman feel excited and want you even more.
- Secret alpha male techniques that make women go 'weak at the knees' around you: We've all seen alpha males and how they behave around women. Luckily, you only have to demonstrate a FEW alpha male behaviors around women to make them 'go weak at the knees' in your presence. Once you do, you will notice a MASSIVE difference in how attracted and interested women will be around you. It's mind-blowing to see in action...and even BETTER to experience for yourself as you reap the rewards of sex, love and relationships with beautiful women.
- Conversation starters that the Naturals use when approaching women: If you don't know what to say, you're probably never going to approach a random woman. However, knowing what the Naturals say to women is priceless. Usually, their conversation starters are straight-up, simple and sometimes pretty damn funny, which means that ANY guy can use them immediately to get great results with women.
- How to approach women in bars: The Naturals reveal how to stand out from all the other guys in bar environments. This insider-information is priceless and could see you dating and having sex with a beautiful woman next weekend (they also reveal how to get to sex with a woman on the same night you meet her).
- How to approach women on the street: Have you ever seen a beautiful woman walk by you on the street? Or, seen a hot woman in a shop and wish you knew what to say and do to get her talking to you? Listen to Andrew's interview to hear the different approaches he uses when talking to women on the street, at markets on the weekend, in supermarkets and while lining up to order food at McDonalds restaurants!
- How to take your conversation to a sexual level: One of the biggest mistakes that guys make around a woman they like is talking to her like a FRIEND. In both interviews, you will learn how the Naturals take their conversations to a sexual level with women. You'll discover how to get a woman so hot and bothered that she simply HAS TO have you. She won't be able to resist the temptation to sleep with you that day or night.
- How to be a NICE GUY and still get the girl: Most guys don't like the idea of having to be a 'bad boy' to attract women. The great news is that you DON'T have to be. In fact, Ben, Stu and I – as well as pretty much all the Naturals we know – are just nice guys, who also know how to flirt and be 'alpha' around women. If you are currently a nice guy – you DON'T have to change who you are to start getting what you want from women. You just need to use the secret techniques of the Naturals and let the women come to you.
- Funny one-liners that get women laughing: During the interviews, we quizzed both Mark, Ash, Andrew and Rick on funny things that they say to women (especially in difficult situations, where a woman might behave in a challenging or 'bitchy' way). The lines that the Naturals use are downright hilarious and are guaranteed to get women laughing and wanting to talk to you more and more.
Mark 'The Master'
Mark is the opposite of tall, dark and handsome. He is short, average-looking and thin (165cm/5″4, 51kg /112 pounds), but is better with women than anyone else we know. Mark uses a natural, friendly charm to win women over and explains how to be the man that women naturally feel lust and affection for, while still being a nice guy.
Mark has had sex and been in relationships with beauty queens and Miss World contenders. In his interview, he reveals how he picked up the Miss World contender, as well as a few other hot models he's been with over the last year or so.
If you're interested in very beautiful women, you simply cannot miss out on hearing Mark's dating secrets. His current girlfriend is probably the hottest woman he's ever been with…and she's hoping to marry him.
Ash 'Mr. Alpha Male'
Ash is the perfect example of a truly balanced alpha male. He is 'tough', but not aggressive. He is friendly, but assertive. Women find his approach charming, dazzling and rare and we always see him with beautiful women.
In his interview, he talks about many different dating situations with women - from turning a female friend into a girlfriend, getting a girlfriend in a work environment all the way up to having sex on the first night you meet a woman.
In this ground-breaking interview, you'll discover how to get women laughing and wanting more of you. You'll also hear Ash share some of the best 'one liners' to use when interacting with women. Plus, you'll also learn the secret to being the guy that ALL women are desperately looking for.
Rick 'The Popular Guy'
Rick is the ideal example of a 'cool guy' who everyone likes and wants to have as their friend. Yet, he wasn't always that way. Born and raised in Australia, he moved to the USA as a 20 year-old to live and work there for 7 years (he's now back in Australia and is 31 years old).
Alone and without any friends in America, he was forced into making a decision about his social life: Transform into a cool, popular guy who women love and who others want to have as a friend, or continue being a 'lonely loser'.
As you listen to his interview, you'll learn the remarkable techniques and methods he used (while in the USA) to fill his with beautiful women and lots of cool, interesting and loyal friends. He also used the same techniques and got the SAME amazing results while traveling across Northern Europe and when he came back to Australia 7 years later.
Among many other incredible stories from his experiences with women, you'll get to hear the approach he used to sleep with 9 women in 9 days while on a 2-week holiday across California, Florida and Las Vegas in the USA. You'll also learn the techniques he uses to attract loads of hot women to the many 'house parties' he holds.
It's worth noting that Rick's interview is not all about sex, partying and making loads of new friends. Rick also gets to the core of what it means to be a Natural and how you can live your life as a confident, charming guy who women desperately want to be in a long-term, committed relationship with.
His techniques will bring out the Natural in you and allow you to attract women and great friends into your life in abundance.
Andrew 'The Funny Guy'
Andrew stands out from all the other guys competing for a woman's attention for one main reason. It's not his looks (he's average-looking like 95% of guys are in this world), it's not his money (he works a regular job like most guys) and it's not because he has some sort of high-social status (e.g. sportsman, celebrity) over others (he's just an ordinary guy).
The ONE reason that Andrew stands out is that he knows how to talk to women…and when he talks – he is FUNNY!! He knows how to make anyone laugh and have a good time while talking to him.
Women are always saying, "I want a guy who can make me laugh" because guys like that bring fun, excitement and desirable emotions into a relationship. If your personality is boring to women, they won't feel as much attraction to you as a person – it's as simple as that.
Just by listening to Andrew's interview, you will quickly learn how to make ANYTHING that you say sound funny and interesting to women. You'll also hear how to be confident, alpha and charming in a way that most guys will never know.
It won't take hours of talking, or weeks of expensive dates to get a woman to fall for you: She'll start falling for you during the first few minutes. It will then be your choice whether you start a committed relationship or a fun, sexual relationship with her. She will want you either way.
Here's more of what you'll learning these amazing interviews!
- How to go from 'just friends' to an intimate relationship with a woman you already know and like (whether she's a co-worker, friend or 'friend of a friend').
- The secrets to attracting the most beautiful women in the world (I'm talking beauty queens, Miss World contenders, etc).
- How to move in for a kiss with a woman you've just met, or one you've known for a while.
- Attracting women by way of your words, body language, behavior and actions.
- How to tell if a woman likes you or not. Plus, what moves to make next.
- How to tell a woman that you like her, without ruining the situation.
- How to make loads more cool, interesting, caring and loyal friends.
- Secret alpha male techniques that make women go 'weak at the knees' around you.
- Rejection-proof techniques for approaching women on the street.
- The conversation starters that Naturals use when approaching women.
- How to approach women in bars and get phone numbers, kisses and sex.
- How to take your conversations to a sexual level.
- How to be a nice guy and still get the girl (this is amazing).
- Funny one-liners that get women laughing.
- How to get a girlfriend and make her never want to leave you.
Some of the Benefits You Will Experience
- Use the secret dating techniques of the Naturals: The guys who are enjoying easy success with women just 'know things' that you don't. These 'Naturals' are using rarely-known techniques to approach a woman, engage her in conversation, ask her out and then get her in bed hours later.
- Make it simple: As you listen to the interviews, you will hear Dan, Ben and Stu analyze the techniques that Natural is sharing. Dan, Ben and Stu turn what is quite complex to understand, into simple, ready-to-use techniques that you can use. That way, you can do exactly what the Naturals do around women immediately and get the same results as they do.
- Gain an instant advantage: If you were to go out to bars for the next 5 weekends to watch the Naturals interacting with women, you still wouldn't be able to work out their secrets for attracting and dating women. Don't worry, no-one can! It's virtually impossible to uncover the secret, often 'invisible' dating tricks that the Naturals use just by watching them. To find out what they are really doing and to gain a huge, instant advantage over practically every other guy, you need to hear it from the Naturals themselves.
For the longest time, I had gone out with women but was way too nice to them so one after one, they lost interest.
I couldn’t figure it out and thought I was doing everything right and was getting very discouraged to the point of almost giving up entirely.
So I recently bought the Confessions of a Natural series, and it has already helped me immensely.
It has only been about month, and I have already found the confidence I have needed for the longest time.
Not to mention, I’ve already had sex with 2 new girls and am seeing one of them regularly, and I now have the ability to pick and choose which girl I want to pursue and date further.
The interviews with your natural friends and the advice you also give in them have completely changed my life for the better. Thank you so much for your help, and I’m eager to see where else it takes me! Chris”
“What’s up guys I’ve been using the following programs since I was 16 The Flow, Alpha Male Power and Confessions of a Natural.
I’m 23 now and in the past 7 years have done many approaches, I’ve been with some of the most beautiful women in the world…perfect dimes!
I have my choice with women. Do I get every woman? No, but 2 or 3 out of 10 women yes! Thanks Dan! I used to be a bullied socially awkward kid with no type of play and now I got some hot b*tches. Cheers, A”
“These interviews taught me that my current self is valuable to women and that boosted my confidence greatly.
I decided to bite the bullet and approach a woman 3 weeks back at a local bar near me and had her home with me in under 2 hours. Never. Did. That. Before. WOW!
The sex was great but sex isn’t the only thing I’m after though.
I’m now dating a woman I met through a mutual friend and we’re taking it a bit slower. Hopefully it grows into a relationship because that’s what I want.
Thanks to what I learned from these interviews she was attracted to me the moment she met me and she hasn’t stopped calling me since.
I feel like I have a real advantage now in the dating scene thanks to you guys and the naturals who spilled the beans in the interviews. It was really eye opening for me. Thanks a lot. Danny”
“I finally did it!
There’s a girl I’ve known for the last 2 years through friends and she’s only ever seemed to treat me as a friend.
All that changed last night because she slept at my house and we got it on!
I really like this girl and she said to me that she’s liked me all along and was waiting for me to do something.
Listening to the guys talk about their dating experiences and how confident they are, I decided to just go for it and it worked.
I could have been with her long ago had I known this stuff. Oh well at least I know now.
All the best to you guys – keep on doing what you’re doing. Ryan”
“It’s so much fun listening to this stuff!
You are guys are funny and entertaining while still being professional. I’ve listened to the series 3 times now and still end up laughing out loud at some parts.
I now understand how I can be a good guy and still pick up women like anyone else…it was awesome to hear that the naturals are actually just good, regular guys and aren’t assholes or arrogant.
I’ll be using some of the secrets I learned on Friday at a party I’m going to – should be a blast! Anthony”
“I listened to a couple of the interviews and talked to a woman at work who I have had a crush on for years.
I then suggested we had lunch together that day and she was flirting like crazy during lunch.
I’d never seen it before. She invited me out for drinks on Friday just the two of us instead of going to after work drinks with everyone else. Mind = blown! Cain”
“Hey Dan,
I wanted to follow up a few months after getting some of your programs.
I watched Dating Power, Mastery Methods and Mindsets, and Confessions of a Natural: Interview Series.
Dating Power and the confessions series really outlined how to uniquely apply the concepts from all other courses.
I’m an average guy and through what you teach, I now have my pick of who I date.
Recently I began dating a Brazilian-German woman who looks like a runway model.
Using what I learned has made her melt like butter on a hot waffle.
You weren’t kidding about how happy a woman becomes by relaxing into her own femininity. She had tears in her eyes just when I hugged her.
Your programs teach us men how to become better and make women happier. Everyone benefits. I want to thank you guys forever! You have changed my life so much. Jeremy”
To submit a success story or review, please contact us here. We would love to hear from you.
Back to TopAdvanced Dating Pack 1
Provides you with additional training that has been designed to get you even faster results with women.
- The Flow eBook – 318 pages.
- The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio.
- 21 Great Ways to Get a Girlfriend – 7 hours of audio.
- FREE BONUS 30 Day Challenge: How to date, have sex and get into a relationship with an attractive woman in 30 days or less, or quickly have casual sex with multiple attractive women. 108-page ebook. $97 value.
- Coaching Call Breakthroughs – 7 hours of video.
- Confessions of a Natural Interviews – 7 hours of audio.
Total price: $485
Pack price: Only $224
You save: $261 (53% discount)
Advanced Dating Pack 2
Provides you with additional training that has been designed to get you even faster results with women.
- The Flow eBook – 318 pages.
- The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio.
- 21 Great Ways to Get a Girlfriend – 7 hours of audio.
- FREE BONUS 30 Day Challenge: How to date, have sex and get into a relationship with an attractive woman in 30 days or less, or quickly have casual sex with multiple attractive women. 108-page ebook. $97 value.
- Coaching Call Breakthroughs – 7 hours of video.
- Confessions of a Natural Interviews – 7 hours of audio.
- The Ultimate Guide to Conversation – 10 hours of audio.
- FREE BONUS 72 Conversation Starters: Quick reference guide with all of the conversation starters from The Ultimate Guide to Conversation, plus exclusive conversation starters that are only found in this bonus guide. 40-page ebook. $97 value.
Total price: $782
Pack price: Only $357
You save: $425 (54% discount)
Mastery Dating Pack (All Dating Products)
Gives you all of our dating lessons, advice and techniques that result in you experiencing the mastery level success with women (i.e. women try to pick you up when you talk to them, women chase you when you begin dating, you always have bulletproof confidence, you always know what to say and do, you experience your choice of high quality women).
These 11 products are the culmination of Dan, Ben, and Stu’s more than 10,000 hours of mastery level dating experiences with women, as well as many years of experimentation, testing, trial and error and development prior to then.
You don’t have to go through many years of trial and error, testing and hard work all on your own to hopefully figure out the secrets we discovered about women and dating that result in the mastery level of success.
You can learn it all from us right now and begin enjoying the mastery level success with women, where women try to pick you up, chase you during the dating phase and hope that you give them a chance.
That’s what women really want when it comes to dating.
Women love to experience the excitement of truly wanting a guy, trying to impress him, hoping to get a chance with him and then being lucky enough to get that chance.
When you make a woman feel that way, she then loves and appreciates you so much more.
It makes everything about dating 10x easier and enjoyable for both you and the woman.
- The Flow eBook – 318 pages.
- The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio.
- 21 Great Ways to Get a Girlfriend – 7 hours of audio.
- FREE BONUS 30 Day Challenge: How to date, have sex and get into a relationship with an attractive woman in 30 days or less, or quickly have casual sex with multiple attractive women. 108-page ebook. $97 value.
- Coaching Call Breakthroughs – 7 hours of video.
- Confessions of a Natural Interviews – 7 hours of audio.
- The Ultimate Guide to Conversation – 10 hours of audio.
- FREE BONUS 72 Conversation Starters: Quick reference guide with all of the conversation starters from The Ultimate Guide to Conversation, plus exclusive conversation starters that are only found in this bonus guide. 40-page ebook. $97 value.
- Text Attraction – 14 hours, 24 mins of video.
- FREE BONUS 1200 Text Examples: Quick reference guide with all texts from the Text Attraction program, so you can easily find any text you need right away when texting live with a woman. 535-page eBook. $297 value.
- Dating Power – 8 hours of video.
- FREE BONUS Dating Power Private Examples: Dan, Ben and Stu share 28 uncensored, personal stories of how they’ve used the Dating Power techniques to enjoy mastery level success with women (i.e. women try to pick you up, women make it obvious that they like you, women want you so much that they have sex with you on the first night or date and they chase you during the dating phase). 3 hours, 46 mins of video. $297 value.
- FREE BONUS Dating Power Presentation Slides: 261-page ebook with the presentation slides from the Dating Power seminar. Helps you remember what you’ve learned from the seminar and strengthens your understanding of key concepts and advice. $97 value.
- Better Than a Bad Boy – 10 hours, 50 mins of video.
- Alpha Male Power – 5 hours, 33 mins of video.
- Mastery Methods & Mindsets – 7 hours, 35 mins of audio.
Total price: $2,467
Pack price: Only $797
You save: $1,670 (67% discount)
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9. What is Confessions of a Natural about?10. Who should buy this program?
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12. How is Confessions of a Natural different to other Modern Man products?
13. What are the unique benefits of Confessions of a Natural?
14. What is the story behind Confessions of a Natural?
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All Modern Man products (eBooks, audio and video) open and play on phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers without any problem.
You can download any product directly to your phone, or you can watch/listen online within your Modern Man account.
9. What is Confessions of a Natural about?
Confessions of a Natural is about getting 'Naturals' (guys who are naturally good with women) to reveal their rarely-known dating techniques and strategies. Until now, these have been kept secret from 'regular guys' so the Naturals could enjoy easy success with women, while other guys struggled.
10. Who should buy this program?
You should buy Confessions of a Natural if you want to:
- Turn a female friend (or a woman you've known for a while) into a girlfriend or lover.
- Start having sex with very beautiful women.
- Move in for the kiss with a woman you've just met, or known for a while.
- Attract and maintain the interest of women using subtle techniques that are invisible to the naked eye – in other words, no-one will know what you're up to, but it will work like magic!
- Read a woman's body language and words to find out if she's really into you or not.
- Start conversations like a Natural.
- Continue conversations like a Natural.
- Take conversations to a sexual level.
- Approach women in bars.
- Get women to approach you.
- Be a nice guy and still get the girl over bad boys and jerks.
- Make women laugh and enjoy talking to you.
11. Who shouldn't buy this program?
Guys who:
- Don't believe it's possible to improve their skills with women.
- Think they can only succeed with women if they're tall, dark and handsome...or rich and famous.
- Believe that buying an expensive car to try and impress women is better than spending a small amount of money to learn how to impress women with their personality.
- Hope that a beautiful, intelligent and interesting woman will simply land in their lap one day…after they've been single, alone and frustrated for most of their life.
- Really want to have beautiful, intelligent and interesting women in their lives but aren't prepared to improve and learn the techniques required to attract and maintain the interest of these women.
- Don't mind living a life of disappointment and regret, feeling left out and unloved by women and the world.
- Would rather sit at home alone, than enjoy the company of a beautiful woman as well as having lots more loving, cool friends that last a lifetime.
- Are afraid to take a chance when they see a great opportunity right in front of them.
12. How is Confessions of a Natural different to other Modern Man products?
Confessions of a Natural mainly focuses on revealing how guys who are naturally good with women (Naturals) go about approaching, attracting, dating and enjoying relationships with women. Other Modern Man products focus on different areas. For example: Mastery Methods & Mindsets is mainly about confidence and taking your success with women to the highest level possible.
Here is a quick summary of the different focuses of each Modern Man product:
- The Flow: Is perfect for beginners. It's the essential 'starter guide' guide for approaching women & getting dates in the modern world. A 'must read' for any man who is interested in improving his success with women.
- Confessions of a Natural: Is where Dan, Ben & Stu interview 'Naturals' (guys who are naturally good with women) and get them to reveal their rarely-known dating techniques and strategies for success with women.
- 21 Great Ways to Get a Girlfriend: Is about approaching & meeting women in different places, using customized techniques & strategies for each situation. Instead of wasting time with one or two ways to meet women (e.g. bars on weekends), you can now quickly find your ideal girlfriend and enjoy a relationship with her, or start meeting, dating and having sex lots of women immediately.
- Mastery Methods & Mindsets: Is about taking your confidence & success with women to the mastery level. The 'Mindsets' eliminate any fear, nervousness or anxiety that you may feel around women and replace it with unstoppable confidence. The 'Methods' are things for you to do that push you 'outside your comfort zone' and into sex and relationships with beautiful women.
- Dating Power: Is the complete, start-to-finish guide from approach, to sex, to first phone call, to date, to the bedroom and into a relationship. The techniques work by getting a woman to chase you, rather than you trying to 'pick her up'. Recorded in front of a live audience, Dating Power also includes important body language demonstrations and audience questions.
- Dating Power Stories: Is where Dan, Ben & Stu share the many lessons they've learned along the way when approaching, dating and being in relationships with modern women. These priceless insights allow you to then avoid making common mistakes that lead to rejection, break-ups and women losing interest. Armed with the techniques revealed in this program, women won't want you to leave and will work hard to maintain your interest during conversations, on dates and in relationships. Secret Stories also explains how to use the Dating Power techniques in many real-life situations with women.
13. What are the unique benefits of Confessions of a Natural?
- Use the secret dating techniques of the Naturals: The guys who are enjoying easy success with women just 'know things' that you don't. These 'Naturals' are using rarely-known techniques to approach a woman, engage her in conversation, ask her out and then get her in bed hours later.
- Make it simple: As you listen to the interviews, you will hear Dan, Ben and Stu analyze the techniques that Natural is sharing. Dan, Ben and Stu turn what is quite complex to understand, into simple, ready-to-use techniques that you can use. That way, you can do exactly what the Naturals do around women immediately and get the same results as they do.
- Gain an instant advantage: If you were to go out to bars for the next 5 weekends to watch the Naturals interacting with women, you still wouldn't be able to work out their secrets for attracting and dating women. Don't worry, no one can! It's virtually impossible to uncover the secret, often 'invisible' dating tricks that the Naturals use just by watching them. To find out what they are really doing and to gain a huge, instant advantage over practically every other guy, you need to hear it from the Naturals themselves.
14. What is the story behind Confessions of a Natural?
Over the last 5 years, we've had the opportunity to meet and become friends with many guys who are naturally good with women.
The reason why these guys are better with women than 'regular guys', is that they know of certain techniques and strategies for success with women that other guys don't. It's not their looks (all the Naturals we've interviewed are just regular-looking guys). It's not their jobs (they all work in average jobs) and it's not their money (they are all earning average incomes).
Other guys look on at Naturals and wonder how on Earth they manage to enjoy such easy success with women, even though the Naturals are really just average-looking guys with nothing special to offer to women. What other guys don't realize is that the Naturals are using a collection of secret techniques that most guys are unaware of.
We've decided to put an end to the secrecy of Naturals and have chosen the 4 best Naturals we know. Mark, Ash, Andrew and Rick are true masters when it comes to women, dating and relationships. Their advice will give you a massive edge over other guys. Best of all, no-one will know because the techniques are invisible to people who are unaware of them!