Text Attraction
The ultimate guide on how to attract women via text for dates, sex and relationships.
- Video.
- 14 hours, 24 mins.
- Instant download and/or watch online in your Modern Man account.
- Opens and plays on phones, tablets and desktop computers.
- Lifetime access to redownload and watch online at any time.
Text Attraction includes everything you need to know to easily attract women via text to get dates, sex and relationships.
From this day onwards, you will always be able to get a woman to feel attracted to you via text, regardless of how much or little interest she has when you begin texting her.
She will then happily agree to meet up with you in person due to the attraction that she is feeling for you.
Attracting women via text to get dates, sex or a relationship is about to become one of the easiest and most fun things you ever do in life.
1200 Text Examples
Quick reference guide with all texts from the program, so you can easily find any text you need right away when texting live with a woman. Free bonus ($197 value). 535-page eBook.
- Text Attraction: $297
- 1200 Text Examples:

Here are just some of the amazing things you will learn in the Text Attraction program:
- 100s of attractive first texts to send if you got her number in person, matched with her on a dating app, or are reaching out to text a woman you know or like for the first time. You'll never be stuck wondering what to text to make her feel attracted and reply. You will always have something attractive and interesting to text to get a woman's attention and make her feel compelled to reply.
- How to handle the challenging questions a woman asks you via text, in a way that causes her attraction and desire to meet up with you to skyrocket. That way, you don't lose your opportunities with women who were interested, but then suddenly lost interest based on how you answered certain questions.
- How to make women reply faster and show loads more interest in you via text, even when you’ve just begun texting.
- How to prevent a text conversation from becoming boring, fizzling out and you then losing your opportunity with a woman.
- How to handle it when women don’t make it easy to arrange dates with them via text (e.g. she stops replying when you suggest a meetup, says that she’ll let you know when she’s free, says no to a meetup request, cancels a date, or regularly can't make it to dates). The texts provided in this section ensure that she remains attracted and either suggests another date right away, or says yes the next time you suggest one.
- How to refuel a woman’s interest if she has gone cold, ghosted you, or lost interest in texting you or being with you.
- How to avoid being put in the friend zone with women you really like.
- How to reinitiate a conversation with a woman who hasn’t replied to your last text, without seeming needy for texting her again.
- How to reply if she takes something you text the wrong way, so you can then make her laugh, feel good and feel more attracted to you.
- How to ensure women understand what you mean via text, so conversations are smooth, fast, to the point and quickly result in you and her arranging to meet up.
- How to create what I call the Texting Sweet Spot, where all you really need to do is reply to women and say yes or no to them trying to meet up with you.
- How to be attractive when you send a voice text, video text or leave a voicemail.
- How to text after a first date to increase her interest, make her want to see you again and then get another date.
- How to always be confident when texting a woman and never fall into the trap of becoming insecure based on what she is texting, or how she is behaving.
- How to make a woman fall more in love with you over text, offer to cook you dinner, ask you to come over and have sex and only want to get a text from you (i.e. she totally loses interest in texting other guys).
- How to text a woman if you're dating her exclusively vs. how to text if you're dating multiple women at once. These texts ensure that no matter how many women you're dating, they all remain happy, interested and keen to see you as often as possible, or as often as you are available.
- How to text to get a woman to happily come over to your place for a first date, or to meet you for a coffee, or go out to something to eat, as well as many other date options explained in the program.
- How to text a woman based on her current level of interest (i.e. low, medium or high). If a guy texts a low interest woman in the same way he texts a high interest woman, he'll usually get rejected or ignored. The secrets revealed in this section of the program ensure that you are always able to get a date, have sex or begin a relationship with a woman regardless of her current level of interest. From now on, you will never lose another opportunity with a woman that you find attractive ever again.
- How to make a conversation attractive and make a woman want to reply, even if she isn’t saying much via text initially.
- How to pursue a woman via text in a non-needy way that she appreciates, welcomes and wants and more importantly, in a way that results in you and her going on a date, having sex or beginning a relationship together.
- How to make a woman pursue you via text and make it obvious that she likes you and wants you.
- How to turn a woman on via text and make her want to have sex with you, even if she is shy, reserved or usually plays hard to get with men. You don't have to text in a sexual way to get a date with a woman, but it's a very useful skill to have ready, especially when you're texting a woman who begins texting in a sexual way and hopes that you can handle it, make her feel more turned on and then arrange a meetup, or hookup.
- How to make a woman feel compelled to contribute more to the text conversation, show interest and make it clear that she is keen to meet up with you right away.
Text Attraction includes everything you need to know to easily attract women via text to get dates, sex and relationships.
From this day onwards, you will never lose another opportunity with a woman that you find attractive ever again.
You will always be able to get a woman to feel attracted to you via text (regardless of how much or little interest she has when you begin texting her) and then happily agree to meet up with you in person.
From now on, attracting women via texts to get dates, sex or a relationship is going to be one of the easiest things you do in life.
Enjoy the fun times ahead with women!
“Hey Dan, I wanted to thank you for your Text Attraction program.
I was really struggling with online dating and felt like I was wasting so much time with women who just weren’t interested.
But after implementing your techniques, I started to get more responses and went on more dates with better quality women.
I then met my current girlfriend on an app using your methods. It’s amazing how much of a difference a few simple tweaks to your texts can make. Thank you so much! Alex”
“Thanks for the guidance, Dan. I’m now more confident and assertive over text, and it’s paying off big time. Got a date lined up for tomorrow. Caleb”
“Just wanted to give you a shout out and say thanks!
I was out at a bar one night and met this absolute smokeshow. She gave me her number and I knew I had to hit her up for a date.
I texted her and she wasn’t very interested. Hardly replying at all. So I figured I’d lost her. Then I saw one of your videos on Youtube and thought – wow this guy knows what he’s talking about.
I got your program and used one of your refuel texts to warm her back up. BOOM! The conversation started flowing and we then agreed to meet.
Fast forward 3 months, and we’re still going strong. YES she is my girl and I couldn’t be happier. Thanks for giving me the skills and confidence I needed to make it happen. As you would say – “Cheers” – Jared”
“As a busy professional, I don’t have a lot of time for dating, but Text Attraction has helped me make the most of the time I do have.
With Dan’s examples and techniques, I’ve been able to quickly get women interested and turn that interest into dates. It has only taken me 2 to 5 minutes on average to get a date. It’s extremely easy to do. I highly recommend Text Attraction to anyone who wants to maximize their dating potential. Evan”
“I matched with a stunning girl on a dating app and attracted her like you said to do.
She said yes right away when I suggested catching up for a coffee and I was blown away by that. I’d always thought I needed to text more and get to know a woman, but you’re right…women don’t need that.
Our first date ended with a kiss and she wants more.
Thank you for sharing this invaluable knowledge! I wasted so much time in the past with over texting girls…now I get it. I see how it works. You’re a genius man. Thank you!!! Alan”
“I recently went through a breakup and was feeling really down about my dating prospects.
But after discovering your Text Attraction program, I feel like I have a new lease on life. Your techniques have helped me to approach online dating with a fresh perspective and I’ve already met some great women using your texting examples.
I’m excited to see where this new confidence takes me. Thank you for helping me to get my groove back! John”
“I’m an older guy (59) who was interested in having a relationship with a much younger chick (20).
After I became single again, hitting the social scene in bars was a shock to my system. Lost in a world of older divorcees and totally frustrated with them, I tried dating apps, but was getting nowhere.
So I got your texting program for a few tips to figure out how it is done these days.
I then struck gold on an app that promotes relationships between older men and younger women. Even though the age difference was huge between her and I and she is very beautiful, going from the opener to a date happened so easily.
She’s an awesome girlfriend and life is great again for me even at this age!
If I tried texting her with my old nice guy approach that I’d been using on women, she probably wouldn’t have been interested and I would still be single right now. Your approach is like cat-nip to the ladies.
It’s a real big advantage to pick “from the top of the tree” regarding women, instead of settling for those rotten apples laying on the ground.
If you want to meet a quality woman, you will have to work on it and have the confidence and skills to attract her to you.
I did it at 59…so any guy who reads my story, just know that you can do it.
Thanks again Dan! Cheers from Don”
“Yo Dan, I was stuck on what to text to get girls interested in me. I tried so many lines that I either found online or made up myself, but still ended up getting ignored.
That is, until I found your program. Your examples gave me the confidence to improve my texting style to be attractive and unforgettable and now I’ve got women blowing up my phone. Thanks, man! Carlos”
“Dan, I used to be the king of boring text conversations. Every time I matched with a girl, we would talk for a little while, and then things would fizzle out.
But your program taught me how to be interesting and engaging. I’m no longer asking basic questions or sending lame jokes. Now, I’m having real conversations and it’s making a huge difference. I am actually getting dates now. This works! Thanks! J”
“Hey Dan, I just wanted to write and tell you how much I appreciate your program.
Your methods are straightforward and have been easy to follow, and they’ve helped me get dates with a quality of woman that never would have even texted me back in the past.
I got their attention and attracted them and it worked. I have gone from getting dates with 5s or 6s to 7s, 8s and 9s very easily. You rock man. Kevin.”
“My texting results were a huge mess of just getting ghosted, ignored and wasting time really. As soon as I started using your approach to texting I got dates.
It was immediate which was shocking for me. But the fact that it kept happening again and again convinced me that I was now doing it correctly.
It has been a few months since getting your program and my life is completely different with women. I have been dating and a lot of having casual sex. I’m not yet ready to have a girlfriend and am having fun instead.
My friends are turning to me for advice with their matches now because they can see how good things are for me. So thank you Dan. Excellent program! Sean”
“Hope you’re doing well. I bought the text attraction and result is just f*cking amazing.
I found the missing puzzle all this time in that program.
The mindset of [removed because customer reveal key secret from the program]. Whenever I open interaction, I just use that mindset and directly go to flirting and then connecting with her.
Result in the last 3 weeks since I bought the program: 1 girl, I invited her to my hangout with my friends. 1 other girl, I went on 2 dates with her. Other girl is coming tomorrow.
I talked to this girl by using this mindset and woaahhh the flirting went through the roof and she enjoyed a lot and i was talking to this girl for like 6 months and yesterday, after I talked to her by using this mindset, after a while her voice just became submissive and stayed submissive all the time..
Goooddddd.. it’s happening.
I went to birthday party, got invited by girl and girls are just attracted af. Couldn’t do much because I went to non speaking english state and also they all had boyfriends.
The best part of using this mindset is that I’m attracting, connecting and escalating verbally.
Earlier, I did like 10-15% of attraction and the rest is connecting and escalating on social media when I add them. And it just never gave the results I wanted. but now in the last 3 weeks.. I don’t know where to begin. So amazing.
I work in IT sector because I’m an Indian lol. Anyway, my lead agile coach apologized for using my last name all the time and i said “Hahahah now you owe me a drink 😉” and then she’s offered me a drink of wine if I’m in the city that evening…
I live in Berlin and do home office from there and my office is in Munich.
It’s happening.
Last night also I called a girl to my hangout at my friends place. AND I’M F*CKING ESCALATING ALL THE TIME. Can’t go in all details because it’ll take a lot of time.
That mindset is just awesome..coolness about this mindset I that I’m flirting.
I knew this was the missing puzzle that I wasn’t flirting.
My flatmate ex wife also hangout with me and she loved hahahah my flirting and gave me all signals.
The reason I didn’t move in because she’s my flatmate ex-wife. Now I’m attracting, connecting and escalating quick without wasting any time.
Man now the girls are flooding in my life. Suddenly so attracted and interested in me. I’m so happy 😄 Sagar”
“I used to mess things up when texting girls after getting their number because I was trying to get too much of a response from her or too many signs of interest before I asked her out. It was very depressing to say the least because several girls who I really like just lost interest in me and stopped texting.
Your teachings have turned this around for me and given me hope again. I got a girl’s number on the weekend and just finished texting her an hour ago. It only took a few minutes of texting and she was keen and said yes to meeting up. So I wanted to send you a big thank you for making this program for us men.
Now all of my efforts of getting numbers aren’t going to go to waste. I’ve got a date ffs! Lol. Very excited. Thanks. Samuel”
“I was skeptical about getting your program at first because I have a fair bit of experience with texting, but after trying it out, I’m a believer because I’ve been getting a lot more dates than I used to.
I’ve been on more dates in the past month than I had in the past year. I get it now and it makes total sense to me why your method works. So cool to know this stuff. Mark”
“I love the fact that what you teach is based on real psychology.
I have reguarly been shocked at how easy it is to attract women and turn those connections into dates.
It has been a total game-changer for me. I had a lot of sex on dates for the first couple of months and then I decided that I wanted a girlfriend. I now have one that I hit up on social media – slid in her DMs. She is hot and she’s mine now. Life is good! Ryan”
“I can’t believe how much of a difference this has made. My conversations are more interesting now, and I’m getting way better results. Thanks for your help, Dan. Regards, HT”
“As a single dad, I don’t have a lot of free time to go out and meet women.
By using your examples, I was able to attract some amazing women and finally found someone who understands and respects my busy lifestyle. Learning from you has helped me feel more confident and in control of my dating life, instead of it all being down to luck.
If I ever need to date again I know I can easily do it. Hopefully that won’t happen of course because I am happy and in love with the woman I have found. She’s been a real blessing for me. Thank you for helping me fix my texting game and find love! Nicholas”
“This program is the real deal. Your approach to texting and dating is both refreshing and effective, and I’ve seen amazing results since using it over the past two weeks. Christopher”
“I simply didn’t know what to text after I got a girl’s number or matched with her on an app.
I tried of course but I didn’t know if was any good or not. I guess it wasn’t because I got a date maybe in like 1 out of 10 tries.
I would always text something generic, and either get no response, or a basic one back from the girl and I then didn’t know what to do with that.
Your program gave me the skills to send texts that are flirty, fun, and have gotten me a date with 8 out of 10 chances I have had so far with my matches who have replied. Not all girls reply as you know though. Some don’t even see our messages. I get that. I base my results on what I get from the women who reply and it’s currently at 80%.
I can still do better I know but that is more than good enough for me for now. Thanks man, I’ve been having a great time since getting your program. Antonio”
“The examples you give have been spot on and have helped me turn my text game around. Now I’m getting replies from women I never thought would have given me the time of day. They reply and enjoy chatting with me.
Previously for me it was like pulling teeth to get a reply. It was hard and convos felt strained or almost even forced. Now it just flows and they show so much more interest. I can’t thank you enough, man. SC”
“Hey Dan, I gotta say, your texting product has really helped me level up my game.
I used to be so nervous about asking a girl out after getting her number, but your advice on how to create that sense of urgency inside of her to meet me really helped me out.
The girl I’m seeing now even complimented me on how confidently and quickly I moved towards a date, and said that texting me was fun and easy compared to other guys she’s talked to.
We ended up having an amazing first date and shared a kiss at the end of it. Can’t wait to see where things go from here!” BG”
“I put your program to the test, and I can proudly say that I’m now in a relationship with the woman of my dreams.
We have been together for six months now after meeting on Hinge, and we are both so happy. Your program gave me the confidence to open the conversation and the skills to keep her interested and attracted during the conversation and then ask her out. The rest is history as they say! Alexander”
“I recently met a beautiful woman at a bar, and I got her number. I wasn’t sure what to do next and didn’t want to stuff it up or get ghosted like I usually do, so I turned to your program for help.
I followed your steps to the letter, and before I knew it, we were texting back and forth at a rapid rate. She was responding positively and I knew I was on the right track.
I asked her out on a date, and we had an amazing time together. I’ve since used your techniques to keep her interested over text, and it has worked like a charm.
She is the one who suggested the second date. That has never happened to me before. Epic program you have created man! I loved every minute of it! Ethan”
To submit a success story or review, please contact us here. We would love to hear from you.
Text Attraction – Pack 1
- Text Attraction – 14 hours, 24 mins of video.
- FREE BONUS 1200 Text Examples: Quick reference guide with all texts from the Text Attraction program, so you can easily find any text you need right away when texting live with a woman. 535-page eBook. $197 value.
- The Flow eBook – 318 pages.
- The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio.
Total price: $491
Pack price: Only $327
You save: $164 (33% discount)
Text Attraction – Pack 2
- Text Attraction – 14 hours, 24 mins of video.
- FREE BONUS 1200 Text Examples: Quick reference guide with all texts from the Text Attraction program, so you can easily find any text you need right away when texting live with a woman. 535-page eBook. $197 value.
- The Flow eBook – 318 pages.
- The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio.
- The Ultimate Guide to Conversation – 10 hours of audio.
- FREE BONUS 72 Conversation Starters: Quick reference guide with all of the conversation starters from The Ultimate Guide to Conversation, plus exclusive conversation starters that are only found in this bonus guide. 40-page ebook. $97 value.
Total price: $788
Pack price: Only $397
You save: $391 (49% discount)
Mastery Dating Pack (All Dating Products)
Gives you all of our dating lessons, advice and techniques that result in you experiencing the mastery level success with women (i.e. women try to pick you up when you talk to them, women chase you when you begin dating, you always have bulletproof confidence, you always know what to say and do, you experience your choice of high quality women).
These 11 products are the culmination of Dan, Ben, and Stu’s more than 10,000 hours of mastery level dating experiences with women, as well as many years of experimentation, testing, trial and error and development prior to then.
You don’t have to go through many years of trial and error, testing and hard work all on your own to hopefully figure out the secrets we discovered about women and dating that result in the mastery level of success.
You can learn it all from us right now and begin enjoying the mastery level success with women, where women try to pick you up, chase you during the dating phase and hope that you give them a chance.
That’s what women really want when it comes to dating.
Women love to experience the excitement of truly wanting a guy, trying to impress him, hoping to get a chance with him and then being lucky enough to get that chance.
When you make a woman feel that way, she then loves and appreciates you so much more.
If that sound appealing to you, then welcome to the mastery level of success with women and dating.
Enjoy the amazing times ahead for you with women!
- The Flow eBook – 318 pages.
- The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio.
- 21 Great Ways to Get a Girlfriend – 7 hours of audio.
- FREE BONUS 30 Day Challenge: How to date, have sex and get into a relationship with an attractive woman in 30 days or less, or quickly have casual sex with multiple attractive women. 108-page ebook. $97 value.
- Coaching Call Breakthroughs – 7 hours of video.
- Confessions of a Natural Interviews – 7 hours of audio.
- The Ultimate Guide to Conversation – 10 hours of audio.
- FREE BONUS 72 Conversation Starters: Quick reference guide with all of the conversation starters from The Ultimate Guide to Conversation, plus exclusive conversation starters that are only found in this bonus guide. 40-page ebook. $97 value.
- Text Attraction – 14 hours, 24 mins of video.
- FREE BONUS 1200 Text Examples: Quick reference guide with all texts from the Text Attraction program, so you can easily find any text you need right away when texting live with a woman. 535-page eBook. $297 value.
- Dating Power – 8 hours of video.
- FREE BONUS Dating Power Private Examples: Dan, Ben and Stu share 28 uncensored, personal stories of how they’ve used the Dating Power techniques to enjoy mastery level success with women (i.e. women try to pick you up, women make it obvious that they like you, women want you so much that they have sex with you on the first night or date and they chase you during the dating phase). 3 hours, 46 mins of video. $297 value.
- FREE BONUS Dating Power Presentation Slides: 261-page ebook with all the presentation slides from the Dating Power seminar. Helps you remember what you’ve learned from the seminar and strengthens your understanding of key concepts and advice. $97 value.
- Better Than a Bad Boy – 10 hours, 50 mins of video.
- Alpha Male Power – 5 hours, 33 mins of video.
- Mastery Methods & Mindsets – 7 hours, 35 mins of audio.
Total price: $2,467
Pack price: Only $797
You save: $1,670 (67% discount)
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