Dating Power
Advanced techniques for approaching, attracting and picking up women for sex and relationships.
- Video or audio.
- 8 hours.
- Instant download and/or watch online in your Modern Man account.
- Opens and plays on phones, tablets and desktop computers.
- Lifetime access to redownload and watch online at any time.
Dating Power Private Examples
Dan, Ben and Stu share 28 uncensored, personal stories of how they've used the Dating Power techniques to enjoy mastery level success with women (i.e. women try to pick you up, women make it obvious that they like you, women want you so much that they have sex with you on the first night or date and they chase you during the dating phase. You are in the position of power all the way). 3 hours, 46 mins of video. $297 value.
Dating Power Presentation Slides
261-page ebook with the exact slides we used for the seminar. Also includes photos from the day. $97 value.

The problem
Most guys simply don't know how to approach and pick up attractive women in person, which results in them remaining alone, accepting unattractive women, or trying to compete with tens of thousands of guys on dating apps.
As a result of not being able to confidently approach and successfully pick up women in person, they don't ever enjoy their choice of women.
The solution
Dating Power provides you with the ultimate framework for picking up women, which results in them trying to pick you up.
This simple, natural and proven to work approach gives you the power, all the way from the first approach and into a relationship.
Dating Power techniques make women:
- Want to be approached by you.
- Become immediately interested in you.
- Remain interested in you.
- Want to give you their contact details.
- Want you to contact them.
- Want to go on a date with you.
- Enjoy their dates with you.
- Want to have sex with you.
- Want to have a relationship with you.
What you will learn
Here are just some of the juicy secrets you will learn by watching Dating Power.
Approaching Techniques
- 8 confidence boosters for approaching women: How to never feel anxious or nervous when you want to approach a woman again. Feel totally confident, composed and in control when you approach a woman in any environment.
- 21-point approaching checklist: How to know when the right time to approach a woman, what to do when you approach, what to avoid and how to pull of the perfect approach, which results in her feeling attracted, interested and open to talking to you.
Inner Mastery
- Confidence With Women: Use our proven, 3-step system for building unstoppable confidence with women. Avoid the common mistakes guys make that kill their confidence with women. Maintain perfect confidence for life. This section alone is worth the price of the program. It will change your life forever; not only with women, but in all areas of life. It's such an important piece of the puzzle to know, use and enjoy.
- Embracing Women as They Are: How to understand women in a way that makes things easier for you and her. How to make a woman easily fall in love with you. How to take things to a deeper level with women. How to have women eagerly wanting to see you again and again.
- Your Life - More Than Just Women: How to draw women in, so they want to be part of your life, rather than the other way around.
Attraction Techniques
- Understanding Attraction: Display the traits that women (from all around the world) are naturally attracted to in men. Learn the truth about how attractive you can be to women and how you can get women literally lining up to be with you.
- Being Present: How to make women instantly feel comfortable and want to get to know you. How to cause women to feel a deep, irresistible attraction for you based on your presence in the interaction.
- Attractive Body Language: Watch Dan, Ben & Stu demonstrate the right and wrong body language to use when interacting with women. Use the body language techniques to avoid causing awkward tension between you and women when approaching, making conversation and getting to know each other on dates.
- Humor: How to make women laugh during conversation, on the phone and on dates. Use our humor examples in your conversations with women until you become comfortable to experiment and create your own attractive humor by following the guidelines provided.
- Flirting: Naturally ignite a woman's feelings of sexual attraction for you by using our tested flirting examples. Includes what to say, plus body language and tonality examples. Flirting is absolutely essential for success with women and ensures that you stay out of the 'friend zone' and get into the bedroom with women you like.
- Power moves: Use our tested power moves that cause women to feel intense, sexual attraction for you. Power moves are actions you take and body language that you display, which ensures you have the power in the situation with the woman. It also turns her on at a deep, primal level. We've had newbie to advanced clients use these power moves and they always work. They are a game changer, if you are courageous enough to use them. If you're not, just give yourself a little time to work up the courage to do it. When you do, you will never stop using them because they work! Enjoy!
- Personal presentation: Find out what clothes, shoes and personal presentation is idea for attracting the kinds of women you prefer. Avoid being automatically rejected by women you like, by ensuring that you aren't too much of a disconnect in terms of how you present yourself physically (i.e. your clothes, hair).
- Being a more interesting person: How to talk and tell stories in a way that captures a woman's attention and makes her wish she was part of your life.
- Creating sexual tension: Avoid the 'friend zone' by creating sexual tension between you and a woman. What it is, how it works and how to do it.
- Charisma: Strengthen your personality and become more magnetically attractive to women by increasing your charisma. Easily get more dates, sex and have women wanting to be your girlfriend. Effortlessly make new friends and become more liked and respected by people you meet.
Interaction Techniques
- Transaction/Interaction: Turn everyday 'transactions' (e.g. talking to a checkout girl at the supermarket/grocery store, the woman behind the counter at 7-11, etc) into attractive interactions. This is one of the fastest ways to build your confidence and attractive conversations skills with women.
- Signals of interest: How to tell if a woman is interested in you. Discover exactly how a woman's body language, conversation and behavior will change when she likes you.
- Making eye contact: Learn the correct way to make eye contact with a woman, so she feels sexual attraction for you. Avoid common eye contact mistakes that make women feel uncomfortable, close up or lose interest.
- 3 stages of interest: Discover the 3 stages of interest a woman can be in when interacting with you. Use this knowledge to avoid being rejected by making a move at the wrong time, or with a woman who isn't interested in you in 'that way.' This also helps you remain confident and stick with an interaction, rather than giving up too soon, because you know what stage of interest she is in and what you need to do to get her to the next stage.
- Handling 'closed' women: Understand why women will sometimes be 'closed off' or behave in difficult and challenging ways around you. Avoid the 7 common mistakes that cause open women to become closed. Learn how to make women feel totally comfortable and open when talking to you.
- Leaving interactions: How and when to leave an interaction that isn't going well vs. when to stick in there and keep going until you get the result (e.g. phone number, kiss, sex).
- Being social: How to make women see you as a cool, social guy, rather than a cheesy pick up artist, or a desperate guy who is talking to lots of girls and hoping to get one of them to like him.
- Making women chase you: How to get women chasing you and trying to pick you up, instead of the other way around. How to make women so attracted and interested in you that they make it obvious they want to be your girlfriend or lover.
- Meeting women in different environments: Learn how to adjust your approach and vibe to suit the environment (e.g. bar, house party, etc) that you are meeting the woman in. Failing to adjust your approach and vibe will make women feel uncomfortable and not want to talk to you. Get this right and you will collect phone numbers from women in any environment from now on.
- Positioning yourself in interactions: Watch Ben & Stu demonstrate the correct way to stand and position yourself when talking to 1 woman, 2 women or to a group of women. Use these techniques to ensure that women feel comfortable in your presence and want to continue talking to you, rather than making the women feel awkward, uncomfortable and as though they want to get out of the interaction.
- Using attractive tonality: The different types of vocal tonality you should use when talking to women if you want them to feel attracted to you. Avoid common mistakes that other guys make with their vocal tones and expressions, which turn women off.
- Avoiding unnecessary qualifying: Learn how to speak to women so they are impressed by you, but don't ever think that you are bragging or trying to look cool.
- Vibing: How to create a positive, social rhythm when talking to women (i.e. vibe with them). Find out how to get along with all kinds of women, no matter what mood they are in when you first approach.
Conversation Techniques
- Conversation starters: Dan demonstrates unique conversation starters to use when approaching women. Find out what to avoid when starting a conversation with a woman, to ensure that you don't create any awkward tension and cause her to close up.
- The first 10 minutes of conversation: Learn how to keep conversations going and keep them interesting during the first 10 minutes. Eliminate the chances of a woman losing interest in talking to you by following these proven guidelines.
- Conversation topics: Conversation topics that keep women fascinated and excited to be talking to you. Easily come up with additional conversation topics on the fly. Never experience those 'awkward silences' ever again, or run out of things to say when talking to a woman you like.
- Making statements: What kind of statements to make during a conversation to inspire a woman to want to keep talking to.
- Deep rapport: How to go into deep rapport with a woman and establish a true connection between you. Set yourself apart from all the other guys that she has met. Make a woman begin to fall in love with you, without ever knowing how you did it.
Escalation Techniques
- Getting alone with women: The right words to say and the right moves to make, so a woman will gladly get alone with you in a venue. How to use the 'alone time' to smoothly progress towards a phone number, kiss or sex that night.
- Kissing: Learn our best, tested, proven to work ways of moving in for a first kiss. Plus, look out for the 8 signs that tell you when a woman is interested in kissing you.
- Sex on the first night: How to get to sex on the first night with a woman you've just met. The right words to say and moves to make, so she gladly goes home with you for sex.
- Getting contact details: Use our rejection-proof ways of getting a phone number from a woman. Say the right words, so she gives you her contact details without a fuss. You can also use the same approach to get her to add you to social media, but it's always recommend to get a phone number so you can call. Calling cuts through all the noise of social media and texting.
Dating Techniques
- Following up on phone numbers: Find out when to call a woman after getting her phone number. How to get her interested and excited to be talking to you again when you call. How to get her laughing and wanting to chat with you on the phone with you. How to get her to answer the call and call you back, if she doesn't answer when you first try to call.
- Setting up a date: Learn the right words to say to guarantee that she'll attend a date with you and not cancel at the last minute. Set up the date correctly, so both of you feel comfortable and excited to meet up. The best places to go on first dates and common mistakes to avoid to ensure things go smoothly when arranging a date.
- Being prepared for the date: What to do to be prepared for the date, so it goes smoothly and you get the result you want.
- Getting to the bedroom on a date: Smoothly move from a date to the bedroom in a way that she wants. Use our tested, proven to work techniques when at your place (or at her place) to make her chase you and want to have sex with you right away.
Audience Question & Answer Session
- Touching women: How to initiate touch between you and a woman you've just met. Plus, mistakes to avoid so you don't ever come across as creepy, sleazy or awkward.
- Doing the impossible: Get a woman's phone number in seemingly 'impossible' situations like when she is jogging around a park and listening to music, or eating by herself at a shopping mall.
- Approaching during the day: Learn secrets for approaching women during the day. Includes what to say, as well as what to avoid to ensure your approach doesn't make the woman feel awkward.
- Being the man: How to be the man that women are referring to when they say, "I want a man who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to get it."
- Eliminating awkward tension: Instantly get rid of any awkward tension at the start of conversation, by saying these specific words that put a woman at ease.
- Get a second chance: Learn what to say if a woman happens to cancel her date with you, which will make her want to have a date with you next time.
- Highest quality: Find out how to have the highest-quality women wanting to be with you now, rather than later in your life, or never.
- Get what you want: Discover the fastest way to go from where you are now, to where you want to be with women. Speed up your progress by using this proven approach to success with women & dating.
- Save money: Learn when it's okay to split the bill with a woman, or let her pay vs. you paying for the date.
- Dance floors: Get the insider secrets on picking up women on the dance floor. Understand when women want you to make a move. Learn how to get her off the dance floor to talk to you in a quieter spot.
- Avoid neediness: Avoid the trap off becoming needy with certain women (i.e. where you need them more than they need you and it then causes you to behave in insecure ways). Use our proven techniques to make women want you more than you want them and feel compelled to impress you.
- Other guys: Learn how to talk to women when other guys are in the group. Plus, how to make sure other guys don't ruin your chances with the woman you want.
- From female friend to girlfriend: How to turn a female friend (or woman you know) into your girlfriend or lover. Learn how to get her alone with you, plus how to get her to make it completely obvious that she wants you to kiss her.
- Choice: How to enjoy choice in your dating and relationship life from now on. No more accepting 'whatever you can get' or putting up with women that you aren't very attracted to. Learn how to have attractive women flooding into your life and wanting to be with you now.
- Follow a start-to-finish guide from approach to sex: Do you get stuck at certain spots along the way? Maybe you run out of things to say to women, or get nervous when it comes time to make a move and progress to a phone number, kiss or sex? Dating Power provides you with a complete, start-to-finish guide from approach to sex, so you know exactly what to do each step of the way from now on.
- Get women chasing you: Most guys make the mistake of giving women their 'dating power' by chasing women and trying to pick them up. With Dating Power, you will learn how to get women chasing you all the way from the first approach, to the date and into the relationship.
- Choose who you date: Unfortunately, a lot of guys just accept 'whatever they can get' when it comes to women, because they don't know how to attract the women they really want to be with. Dating Power techniques will put you in control and allow you to choose which women get to date you.
- Know when she is interested: There may be women in your life who is interested in you right now and you just don't know it. Dating Power will show you exactly what to look for when talking to a woman to find out if she is interested in you sexually. From there, you simply use our kissing and escalation techniques to move things forward to kissing, dates and sex.
- Attract her with your body language: How close should you stand to a woman when talking to her in a bar? How about if you're talking to two or more women? Or, if you're sitting down and talking to one woman? While watching Dating Power, you will see Dan, Ben & Stu demonstrating the correct body language to use when interacting with women.
- Make beautiful women fall in love with you: A lot of modern men see beautiful women as being snobbish, 'up themselves' or too difficult to get with, so they just avoid them altogether...and end up dating and having sex with ugly (or average-looking) women. When you use the Dating Power techniques, you will be able to make beautiful women fall in love with you quickly, easily and consistently. It'll be up to you which woman you decide to keep and enjoy a relationship with.
- Listen to audience questions: As you listen to the audience questions that were asked on the day of the Dating Power seminar, you might be surprised to find that many of the questions are ones that you haven't thought of before. This unique section of the seminar will give you fresh perspectives on what it takes to be successful with women and show you where other guys are going wrong in their quest to succeed with women.
- Take a 'virtual course' with us: Everything that we teach during our live, in-person courses is included in the Dating Power seminar. Instead of having to come out to bars and clubs and learn from us in person, you can learn everything from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Plus, you won't have to spend loads of money on flights and accommodation as well as taking time away from your work or study. You can watch the Dating Power seminar right now in our Online Access Area and start using the techniques tomorrow.
- Use the official Approaching Checklist: After approaching women for many years and teaching many clients in person, we have come up with the Essential Checklist for Approaching Women. The checklist contains 21 different points that you need to be aware of and follow to pull off the perfect approach every time. We don't reveal this anywhere else in any other product, so if you want to master your approaching skills - this is a must watch.
- Get sex on the first night: Dating Power teaches you what to do to all the way from the first approach, to getting a woman home with you and initiating sex. Best of all, these techniques also work on women you already know, but haven't been unable to get to 'third base' with yet. Maybe it's a woman at work, a girl you know through friends or someone from college - whatever the case, simply use the Dating Power techniques and she'll be in your bedroom before you know it.
- Start conversations with ease: As you watch Dating Power, you will see Dan, Ben and Stu demonstrate their favorite conversation starters to use when meeting women. These conversation starters (and the approaching and attraction techniques that go with them) ensure that women become interested in talking to you immediately. That way, you don't have to experience those awkward moments or silences at the start of a conversation.
- Keep conversations going and keep them interesting: Have you ever started talking to a woman that you like, but then run out of things to say...and lost your opportunity with her? Knowing how to keep a conversations going (and keep them interesting) is vital to your success with women, because it allows you to speak to a woman long enough for you to move things forward to a phone number, kiss, date and sex.
- Go from the date to the bedroom: Sex is the thing that changes a 'just friends' relationship into a sexual relationship. It's not more talk, more dates or more dinners. It's sex. Dating Power will explain exactly how to go from a date to the bedroom.
- Cruise the dating process: What should you say to a woman on the phone when you call her for the first time? Where should you go on a date? Who should pay? How do you keep her interested so she wants to have a relationship with you? There are 100s of questions that modern men have when it comes to success with women and dating. Fortunately for you, Dating Power has all the answers. From now on, you will cruise through the dating process like it's the easiest thing in the world. That way, you can get on with what you really want to be experiencing with women.
1. What’s the difference between Dating Power and your other programs?
2. How did you develop the Dating Power method?
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12. Will this open/play on my phone?
1. What’s the difference between Dating power and your other programs?
Dating Power is an advanced, start-to-finish guide for approaching, attracting and picking up women for sex and relationships.
On the other hand, The Flow is a beginner's guide on that topic.
The Flow is where a guy should start if he wants to learn how to approach, attract and pick up women.
When a guy uses The Flow, he will get results (i.e. phone numbers, kisses, dates, sex) and if he then wants to level up his game (i.e. attract even hotter women and have those women try to pick him up), he can learn more advanced techniques, insights and examples for attracting and picking up women by watching Dating Power.
When you use the Dating Power techniques correctly, women will try to pick you up.
You will then begin to experience what we call Dating Power where you literally have your choice of women and it's all very easy for you.
Dating Power also has video demonstrations of the correct body language to use during an interaction with a woman, as well as our exclusive Power Moves that make women feel an intense, primal attraction for you.
2. How did you develop the Dating Power method?
We initially focused on reaching an advanced level of skill in terms of attracting and picking up women (i.e. you can always pick up women, you always know what to say and do).
We then spent 3 years taking new clients out to bars, clubs and shopping malls every weekend to teach them what we'd discovered and make sure it worked for all types of guys.
Only after many years of developing and then perfecting the method, did we then allow it to be recorded on video at the Dating Power seminar.
The mind-blowing success stories of guys who have learned this method are a testament to how powerful and effective it is.
Here is a clip of Ben, Stu and I explaining more about how we developed the Dating Power method.
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- Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard).
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Pay Pal allows you to buy in 4 part payments (interest-free) using their Buy Now, Pay Later service.
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You can buy our products no matter where you live.
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Dating Power Review #2
Dating Power Review #3
Dating Power Review #4
“The Dating power product is gold and the personal examples of Dan, Ben and Stu [Edit: Customer is referring to the audio bonus that comes with Dating Power where Dan, Ben and Stu shared 28, uncensored stories of how they’ve been using Dating Power techniques to enjoy their choice of women] are absolutely PURE GOLD. Amazing!
I’m already seeing results by dating the kinds of women that I previously couldn’t even get past a minute of conversation with.
Now women are keeping conversations going with ME and trying to pick ME up. I am seeing what you guys explain about having the power. It is UNREAL to say the least.
There are many things in Dating power that helped me which I can’t state here otherwise this email would be too long to read. Just wanted to say thanks and tell you what I have been experiencing! Thanks, SJ”
“Hey Dan,
I wanted to follow up a few months after getting some of your programs.
I watched Dating Power, Mastery Methods and Mindsets, and Confessions of a Natural: Interview Series.
Dating Power and the confessions series really outlined how to uniquely apply the concepts from all other courses.
I’m an average guy and through what you teach, I now have my pick of who I date.
Recently I began dating a Brazilian-German woman who looks like a runway model.
Using what I learned has made her melt like butter on a hot waffle.
You weren’t kidding about how happy a woman becomes by relaxing into her own femininity. She had tears in her eyes just when I hugged her.
Your programs teach us men how to become better and make women happier. Everyone benefits. I have to thank you guys forever! Jeremy”
“I got your Dating Power program a couple of months ago and have been having sex with women I’ve been meeting in at uni, at bars and through friends.
I would have paid DOUBLE if I knew that it was going to be this good. 5 stars from me! Josh”
“I regret not getting started earlier guys!
I bought your Dating Power videos and got laid the 1st w/end I went out to party. Pulled a tall hot blonde who was with a group of her friends, both guys and girls in the group.
3 months later now and I have an amazing girlfriend and couldn’t be happier.
You guys rock. I’m sure The Modern Man will continue rising in popularity online. I’m glad I got in early before other guys found out about this stuff.
Rock on guys! Paul”
“Your Dating Power video seminar is the best collection of techniques for pick up that I’ve ever been able to find.
I’ve bought plenty of stuff from the seduction community but none of it worked for me consistently.
Someone suggested to me that I go natural and then I started looking for the dating gurus that teach natural game. A few people mentioned you guys so I checked out your site.
Out of everything that I have bought to learn how to pick up women Dating Power is by far the best.
After having sex with a string of women during the last three months I have chosen a sexy girl for my girlfriend and we are now in an exclusive relationship.
That is what I was looking for all along and your advice showed me how to make it happen.
The best thing about your style of pick up is that you don’t teach guys to be something that they are not.
I finally felt like I could be myself and be appreciated by women for that.
It was such a freeing feeling. The awkardness I used to feel when talking to women just disappeared.
I am now recommending you guys to other guys that I know from the seduction community who are still unable to get results. JM”
“I got Dating Power, Better Than a Bad Boy, Alpha Male Power and your Conversation product after using The Flow to get laid three times in about 6 months.
I wasn’t putting much effort into using The Flow because I am busy with my work but I think getting laid 3 times was good especially when I hadn’t had sex for 2 years prior to that.
Something hit me though about 3 months ago when I saw my friends getting into relationships and I was still just getting laid and not following up to keep the girl.
So I decided to keep learning from you and deepening my knowledge. I watched those 3 programs and listened to the ultimate guide to Conversation and then hit the bars in my city about 1 month ago.
I made a conscious decision to only talk to the very attractive women as you suggest and to my surprise I was able to get them attracted to me.
I was genuinely surprised but I know that your advice does work so it was sort of like another confirmation that I was doing this right.
I got 2 phone numbers and a kiss that night and then had a date the following week with the woman I liked the most. She and I started having casual sex and now we are seeing each other at least twice a week.
I am not yet fully ready for a relationship though I think. Something in me tells me to keep having fun and maybe settle down in about a year or more.
So I have been going out on Friday nights and I have had sex with 2 more women and I have another few who text me and call me looking to set up dates. It feels good to have this power.
I spent most of my life clawing and fighting to just get one woman interested enough to date me and now I have plenty of offers.
I will let you know when I have more success stories to share Dan but that is all for me now! Jake”
“Dan – All your stuff works period. I’ve used your products for the past few years. I got the flow, dating power and better than a bad boy. For anybody considering this stuff. BUY. IT.
This happened to ME today.
I joined a new gym. While standing at the counter doing the paper work I staggered my stance. Bored really. Decided to use the T.I. technique just cause. And two incredibly hot chicks went out of their way to say hi to me. Individually. One by one. At different times.
I was shocked because I wasn’t trying to approach or pick up. I thought they were talking to the guy who worked there. I figured they knew him. But no. They made it clear. They were talking to me. When I said hi. Smiled. I had to practically chase them off to take my gym card mug shot.
The techniques just work. I was just practicing in a vacuum. And that’s been happening a lot lately. Women literally fall all over me. I mean, I’m using my body right. I got my confident smirk just right. I’m looking them in the eye just right. I approach. I’m funny. The escalations just fall into place.
Success has been this. Had a hot girlfriend. We broke up. Got a new hot girlfriend. Then we broke up too. Went back to the first girlfriend. She moved away. Then I moved away with ANOTHER hot older woman. Now I’ve moved back, and joined a new gym.
My point is this. Beautiful women are everywhere, waiting, HOPING to meet a man who understands what the modern man teach. Most guys don’t know this and I am thankful for that because it means no competition, lol! But I do hope more guys know so you guys can become successful. I am just enjoying myself while they don’t, lol! Ryan”
“Hi Dan
I had read the flow and did have some success approaching women and getting numbers and sometimes having sexual encounters, but dating power is what took everything to another level for me.
It helped fill in some missing gaps I had about body language and how to stand confidently when talking to a woman. All those things and the advice on sticking in the interaction longer really helped me.
I’m now in a relationship with a model that I met simply by attending a modelling event with a friend and going around talking to random women.
Most of them literally welcomed me into conversations because of who I have become since learning from you, Ben and Stu. They sensed my confidence and coolness. It was like I was living a totally different life.
I salute you fellas! You guys deserve a lot of credit for the quality of advice you provide. It has been life changing for me. Brad”
“I have been single most of my life, and while I understand complex concepts, women was the one area in life where I just had no clue.
There was obviously many attempts most which failed and it made no sense at all.
I stumbled upon The Modern Man after trying many others and for some reason it just made sense to try it out, even though it was the first option where I had to pay money to get the information, something which I usually avoid on the internet.
I started with Dating Power, 2 years ago and it was a brilliant starter product, it opened a whole new world to me.
Soon after this I decided I wanted to learn ballroom/latin dancing, and it was here where I started my adventure meeting many women, instead of going to bars which is still not something I am crazy about. You don’t have to guess, the advice just worked.
I had multiple ladies falling in love with me every time I would go out dancing.
Dating power also slowly changed the way I was at work and with friends, and people have regularly told me that they don’t what it is, but I have changed for the better.
Recently I acquired Better than a Bad boy product, I truly wanted it, even though I was already going great with women, and again, it was worth it.
It does more than help you with women, it teaches you things that make all aspects of life better.
With advice from this product, I am for the 1st time in a relationship longer than a few dates, and I can tell by the look on my girlfriend every time she comes over, she is still madly in love with me, and I am not even trying to convince her, I just enjoy the time together with her, and somehow she falls deeper and deeper in love with me still!
Short story, the products are amazing, and it teaches guys things, that all men should know.
I believe the things I learned in both products, are essential to enjoying your dating life to the fullest. David”
“Hi Dan,
I’d like to thank you for helping me turn my life around. I came across the modern man website having just been dumped by my long term girlfriend.
I was devastated and dejected at the time and didn’t know what to do. I’ve since worked my way through The Flow, Dating Power, Better Than a Bad Boy and I’m now onto Alpha Male Power, all I can say is wow!
I wish I had known this stuff years ago, it feels like I’ve been groping about in the dark up till this point in my life but I am so grateful that I found the modern man when I did.
The stuff you teach is amazing and enlightening yet simple! As I started learning and applying what you teach my perspective changed and my confidence grew and grew.
I had the choice of dating 4 women last week which is unheard of for me. There was 1 out of the 4 who was perfect for me, so I had to let 3 of them down gently by saying I wasn’t available and I’m now in a relationship with the girl I liked the most.
Even though I am still learning, I am very positive about the future. I won’t be repeating the mistakes I now know I made in the past that’s for sure. Thanks again! Sean”
“This is the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. I’d already dated 3 women within a few weeks after watching this and am now getting quite serious with one woman who was the pick of the bunch. Can’t thank you guys enough – great work. Christopher”
“I have been studying the dating power seminar and have achieved great results in less than a month!!! I met a cool girl last week, followed your steps and techniques, and now have a new relationship.
My ex-girlfriend whom I am friends with, all of a sudden notices a good change in me, and wants to catch up with me on the weekend. Both girls are paying for stuff and can’t get enough of me it seems.
Thanks Dan, Ben, and Stu, your teachings on approaching, flirting, and then taking the lead have led me to impressive results. Eric”
“I watched Dating Power 2 months ago and everything has changed for me.
At the start I was a little apprehensive to use your stuff, but when I did I was amazed to see that it worked right away and that built my confidence immediately.
A few weeks ago I met a girl at the grocery store, we chatted for a few mins and I took down her number.
She is the hottest girl I’ve ever had sex with, but that’s not the point I want to tell you guys…what I want to tell you the most is that I think she already loves me.
She calls me every 2 days and wants to see me and tomorrow she’s coming over to cook me dinner – just like you said would happen if I asked.
You’ve really helped me change and become the guy I knew I could be with women. Thanks! Peter”
“Informative knowledge that is innovative, dynamic and unlike anything else I’ve seen before.
The guys are brilliant in their insights into interacting with women with knowledge that can help every guy out there. Justin”
“I really liked the content and the delivery style as it didn’t seem canned and cheesy, rather more practical and real.
I liked the inner game concepts taught by Dan. I liked the Body Language demonstrations and knowledge from Ben. Also liked the Transaction/Interaction concept delivered by Stu. You guys are the best in the world at this for sure. Ian”
“Excellent. Dan, Ben and Stu are obviously very dedicated. They excellent communicators and thoroughly knowledgeable, in particular with their ability to communicate at a level to help beginners.
Of particular benefit has been their discussion of presence and breaking difficult concepts to simple examples while emphasizing adaptation. FANTASTIC SEMINAR! John N”
“When you said that success with women begins with the right information, you blew away any doubt that success is possible for me.
Also, learning to ‘love women for who they are’ is something that I’ve never heard or thought of before and I thank you for teaching it as I know it will make an immense difference. HM”
“I wasn’t sure what to anticipate from the seminar, I half expected to hear a live version of the Modern Man E-book. What I received however, was far from it.
After that one day, I feel like the flood gates have opened and the women who’ve been waiting patiently are now pouring into my life. What’s more, I can even see the turning points in other people’s interactions and know exactly where they will end based on the guy’s behavior.
Without giving away too much, the biggest thing to help me was the section on ‘Loving women for who they are’.
Without knowing it, I’d been suppressing all the behavior in me that creates success and thinking I was some sort of gentleman for doing it.
I have also been blown away by the reactions I get from women when I use the ‘Power Moves’ from the seminar.
In all honesty I was afraid that being ‘The Man” meant I would have to be the one to take control and make decisions. But from the moment I took their words to heart and put their teaching into practice, I haven’t EVER looked back.
I don’t just feel in control with women, I feel in control in every area of my life now.
I used to go out with my mates and watch them get up and dance with strangers and feel frozen. Or spend my whole night trying to talk myself into going over and talking to this one girl I couldn’t stop staring at but end leaving and feeling angry at myself for the rest of the week. Now…things have changed.
That’s another thing, I was surprised by the magnitude of the results compared to how simple and tangible the things we were taught to do were. Everything they taught was pure and uncomplicated.
They teach you how to be yourself, and that’s not something a person can fully understand until they’ve come out of the seminar.
Best way to sum it up, it’s like that saying: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Jack D”
“Hey Dan,
A lot has happened since the seminar. I have gone out with a few girls since, and have currently got a girlfriend. Let me give you the info…
About three weeks after the seminar I picked up a girl at a nightclub and ended up having a one-night stand with her. That’s as far as it went, as I very soon found out that she had emotional problems which I decided were not worth getting involved in.
After that hiccup, I went out with three more girls and did not really get anywhere with them but did see common traits in each of these girls which made me feel more comfortable, as I could at least see patterns in their behavior which gave me confidence in dealing with other girls.
One of the things at the seminar which really helped me was Ben’s explanation of being present i.e. being focused on a girl, paying attention to what she says and how she says it with her body language. I made an effort to look at the signals that she was giving out, and instead of getting frustrated with not understanding what these signals meant, I stored them in the memory bank and kept an eye out for similar signals with other girls that I talked to.
Slowly but surely I could see what signals or words a girl would use to either continue or terminate a conversation.
Now let me tell you about how I met my current girlfriend…
I was at the “Mind, body and spirit” section of the Borders bookshop at Jam factory, and I noticed her looking at a book I had seen earlier. I made a casual remark about the book to her, established rapport, and from there we just hit it off really well.
We had a coffee afterwards, and then planned to meet up for a date. We went on about 3 dates together before things got intimate, and we have been together since then. It all seems a bit too easy now, but only time will tell.
I am still going out with my mates to the nightclubs, acting as their wingman for women that they are interested in, and it gives me good practice in talking/flirting with girls. As always, I am still learning about the different signals they give off and how to read them. Cheers Jim”
“Hey guys
Firstly, following the seminar my confidence in approaching women improved a little – and then improved dramatically as I put your teachings into practice.
I was able to speak with women very easily, and see amazing success – from having never been able to approach women I went to being able to approach, flirt with and usually take it a bit further any time I wanted to literally in the space of a couple of weeks.
So, very quickly finding myself dating several different women at any given time.
Now I’ve settled on one – gorgeous ex-model, originally from South America (Still has the accent – I love the imports!) and within two months we were living together and haven’t looked back.
What did work? There is far too much to list, but the single most important thing I learned – and practiced – was attitude. How to appear and act as an alpha male, and how to literally not attach value to the outcome of any situation.
But, the best thing wasn’t actually in dating – the boosted confidence and ability to present myself well has got me in a new (and significantly higher paying) job, which I love.
All I can say is thanks! (And I can’t say it enough!) Rick”
To submit a success story or review, please contact us here. We would love to hear from you.
Dating Power + The Flow
- Dating Power – 8 hours of video.
- FREE BONUS Dating Power Private Examples: Dan, Ben and Stu share 28 uncensored, personal stories of how they’ve used the Dating Power techniques to enjoy mastery level success with women (i.e. women try to pick you up, women make it obvious that they like you, women want you so much that they have sex with you on the first night or date and they chase you during the dating phase). 3 hours, 46 mins of video. $297 value.
- FREE BONUS Dating Power Presentation Slides: 261-page ebook with all the presentation slides from the Dating Power seminar. Helps you remember what you’ve learned from the seminar and strengthens your understanding of key concepts and advice. $97 value.
- The Flow eBook – 318 pages.
- The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio.
Total price: $591
Pack price: Only $427
You save: $164 (27% discount)
Dating Mastery Pack (All Dating Products)
Gives you all of our dating lessons, advice and techniques that result in you experiencing the mastery level success with women (i.e. women try to pick you up when you talk to them, women chase you when you begin dating, you always have bulletproof confidence, you always know what to say and do, you experience your choice of high quality women).
These 11 products are the culmination of Dan, Ben, and Stu’s more than 10,000 hours of mastery level dating experiences with women, as well as many years of experimentation, testing, trial and error and development prior to then.
You don’t have to go through many years of trial and error, testing and hard work all on your own to hopefully figure out the secrets we discovered about women and dating that result in the mastery level of success.
You can learn it all from us right now and begin enjoying the mastery level success with women, where women try to pick you up, chase you during the dating phase and hope that you give them a chance.
That’s what women really want when it comes to dating.
Women love to experience the excitement of truly wanting a guy, trying to impress him, hoping to get a chance with him and then being lucky enough to get that chance.
When you make a woman feel that way, she then loves and appreciates you so much more.
If that sound appealing to you, then welcome to the mastery level of success with women and dating.
Enjoy the amazing times ahead for you with women!
- The Flow eBook – 318 pages.
- The Flow Audiobook – 4 hours, 23 minutes of audio.
- 21 Great Ways to Get a Girlfriend – 7 hours of audio.
- FREE BONUS 30 Day Challenge: How to date, have sex and get into a relationship with an attractive woman in 30 days or less, or quickly have casual sex with multiple attractive women. 108-page ebook. $97 value.
- Coaching Call Breakthroughs – 7 hours of video.
- Confessions of a Natural Interviews – 7 hours of audio.
- The Ultimate Guide to Conversation – 10 hours of audio.
- FREE BONUS 72 Conversation Starters: Quick reference guide with all of the conversation starters from The Ultimate Guide to Conversation, plus exclusive conversation starters that are only found in this bonus guide. 40-page ebook. $97 value.
- Text Attraction – 14 hours, 24 mins of video.
- FREE BONUS 1200 Text Examples: Quick reference guide with all texts from the Text Attraction program, so you can easily find any text you need right away when texting live with a woman. 535-page eBook. $297 value.
- Dating Power – 8 hours of video.
- FREE BONUS Dating Power Private Examples: Dan, Ben and Stu share 28 uncensored, personal stories of how they’ve used the Dating Power techniques to enjoy mastery level success with women (i.e. women try to pick you up, women make it obvious that they like you, women want you so much that they have sex with you on the first night or date and they chase you during the dating phase). 3 hours, 46 mins of video. $297 value.
- FREE BONUS Dating Power Presentation Slides: 261-page ebook with all the presentation slides from the Dating Power seminar. Helps you remember what you’ve learned from the seminar and strengthens your understanding of key concepts and advice. $97 value.
- Better Than a Bad Boy – 10 hours, 50 mins of video.
- Alpha Male Power – 5 hours, 33 mins of video.
- Mastery Methods & Mindsets – 7 hours, 35 mins of audio.
Total price: $2,467
Pack price: Only $797
You save: $1,670 (67% discount)